Manneken Pis, Brussels

The history of the
Order of the Friends of Manneken Pis

In October 1954 a few friends decided they all wanted to do more to defend and promote the Brussels folklore surrounding Manneken-Pis.  They understood the symbolic importance of the famous statue.  They became the founders of the Order.

Their names are:
Mr. Pierre Warnant, Senator (Ixelles 16/2/1905 - Bruxelles 13/10/1967),
Mr. Léon Coeckelberg,
Mr. Fernand Servais,
Mr. Alphonse Van Caezeele.

In 1955 Mr. Léon Schaelken, reporter and Brussels city councilor, became the first president of the «Friends of Manneken-Pis».
Mr. Félix Canivel became the vice-président,
Mr. Victor De Haeck, the secretary and treasurer,
Mr. Georges Dedoncker and his son Vincent became the archivists,
Mr. Marcel Antoine and Mr. Vandevoorde, artistic consultants.

In 1957 Mrs. Dergent became the godmother of Manneken-Pis.

Here follows the list of the presidents of the order:
1971, Mr. Dewilde.
1972, Mr. Willaert.
1975, Mr. Wauters.
1985, Mr. Antoine Demol, folklore expert and reporter of the Flemish paper «Het Laatste Nieuws» (The Latest News).  He founded the not for profit association called «The Order of the Friends of Manneken-Pis».
1989, Mr. Maurice Deman.
1990, Mr. François Putman.
1995, Mr. Maurice Deman.
1996, Mr. Guy Loiseaux, who in 2006 was nominated honorary President.
2006, Mr. Edmond Vandenhaute.

In 2009 the following persons were members of the administrative board of the Order:
Mr. Edmond Vandenhaute, President,
Mrs. Marthe Coeckelenbergh, Treasurer,
Mrs. Suzette Bastide, Secretary,
Mrs. Josée Geevaert, Assistant secretary of the treasurer,
Mr. Edouard Vanandruel, Public Relations,
Mr. Louis-Philippe Moyson, Archivist,
Mrs. Denise Sengulen, Administrative Assistant.

Mr. Jean-Marc Ahime was the official dresser: he helps our Manneken into his costumes.
In 2010 Jeaninne Gettemans became the official dresser.
In 2011 Louis-Philippe Moyson became her assistant.

The official website of the Order is kept up-to-date by Mr. Louis Forisz who also supplies a lot of marvelous photographs concerning our Manneken and the order of his friends.

The source for most of the above is a leaflet issued by the Order in 2006.

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All about Manneken Pis
Documents concernant Manneken Pis et l'Ordre des Amis de Manneken Pis
More pictures of Manneken Pis
The legends of Manneken Pis
Manneken Pis in 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014

The official website of the Order of the Friends of Manneken Pis
All about Brussels folklore

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