° St. Laureins 10/9/1859
x St. Laureins 28/10/1896 Marie Louise Tramont
† St. Laureins 11/8/1907
Alois was a laborer. Marie Louise, his wife, was born in Kaprijke on
23/2/1868. She was the daughter of August Tramont and Marie Verreman.
They lived in the Rommelsweg. She died in St. Laureins on 5/5/1951.
Richard Van Hootegem
° Eeklo 4/2/1897
† St. Laureins 4/4/1927
Emile Van Hootegem (IX a)
° St. Laureins 6/1/1899
x Clara Maria Loncke
† St. Laureins 21/10/1959
Maria Magdalena Van Hootegem
° St. Laureins 24/2/1901 x Henri Janssens
(° St. Laureins 18/12/1888 - † Eeklo 4/12/1969)
† St. Laureins 17/8/1973
Herman died in St. Laureins on 24/11/1996.
Children: i.a. Herman Janssens (° 3/8/1926 and x to Rosette Detaeye)
Marie Emma Van Hootegem
° St. Laureins 2/4/1903
† St. Laureins 1/3/1904
Henri Van Hootegem
° St. Laureins 23/12/1905
x St. Laureins 25/6/1930 Alice Jonckheere
(° St. Laureins 24/10/1905)
Henri was a laborer in the flax industry. He died in Eeklo on 5/12/1985.
Alice died almost 10 years after her husband in St. Laureins on 21/10/1995.
They lived in the Vlamingstraat (Flemings Road) 13 in St. Laureins.
«The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family
from St.-Laureins in the Meetjesland in Belgium»,
by Mr. Jozef Dobbelaere
with important additions by Mr. Aloïs van den Oever,
an article published in «De Levensboom» (The Tree of Life),
2007, 20th year, # 1. De Levensboom
is the quarterly periodical of the V.V.F. Meetjesland
(Flemish Association for Genealogy, Meetjesland Section).
Many thanks to dr. Philippe Van Hootegem and to Mr. Henk Van Hootegem for extra
information added to this page.