The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family from St. Laureins in East-Flanders, BelgiumDeze blz in het nederlands

VI b     Carel Van Hootegem

fs. Jan Theodoor Van Ootegem (V) and Maria J. Plasschaert

° Sint-Laureins 28/7/1787
x Sint-Laureins 24/3/1813 Marie Theresia Van Kerrebroeck
† Adegem 23/5/1877

Maria Theresia was born in Adegem on 13/5/1792, the daughter of Josse Van Kerrebroeck and Marie Catherine Crul.  She died there on 15/3/1850.

Carel was a farmer.
In 1847 they lived in the Boterhoek, 103 in Adegem. (boter = butter, hoek = corner.)
The family moved to Sint-Laureins on 13/8/1888.

The 13 children of Carel Van Hootegem and Marie Theresia Van Kerrebroeck :

  1. Charles Louis Van Hootegem
    ° Sint-Laureins 23/2/1814
    † Sint-Laureins 17/11/1891
  2. Maria Theresia Van Hootegem
    ° Sint-Laureins 30/9/1815
    † Sint-Laureins 13/4/1893 (78j)
  3. Joanna Carolina Van Hootegem
    ° Sint-Laureins 9/11/1817
  4. Maria Catharina Van Hootegem
    ° Sint-Laureins 17/10/1819
    † Adegem 24/11/1832
  5. Pieter Bernard Van Hootegem
    ° Adegem 29/9/1821
    † Adegem 26/4/1859
  6. Sophia Van Hootegem
    ° Adegem 17/2/1823
    † Adegem 12/1/1871
  7. Amelia Antonia Van Hootegem
    ° Adegem 24/1/1826
    Adegem 6/3/1858
  8. Ferdinand Van Hootegem
    ° Adegem 13/12/1827
    † Adegem 3/4/1866
  9. Jacobus Francies Van Hootegem
    ° Adegem 25/5/1829
  10. Rosalie Van Hootegem
    ° Adegem 1/3/1831
    Spinner.  She left for Ghent on 18/8/1855
  11. Eugenie Van Hootegem
    ° Adegem 1/4/1833
  12. Louise Van Hootegem
    ° Adegem 18/9/1834
  13. Désiré Van Hootegem
    ° Adegem 16/7/1836
    Sint-Laureins 27/6/1890
«The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family
from St.-Laureins in the Meetjesland in Belgium»,
by Mr. Jozef Dobbelaere
with important additions by Mr. Aloïs van den Oever,
an article published in «De Levensboom» (The Tree of Life),
2007, 20th year, # 1.
De Levensboom is the quarterly periodical of the V.V.F. Meetjesland
(Flemish Association for Genealogy, Meetjesland Section).
Levensboom logo

Carel's father, Jan Theodoor Van Ootegem (V)

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