The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family from St. Laureins in East-Flanders, BelgiumDeze blz in het nederlands

VII i     Felix Guilielmus Van Hootegem

fs. Petrus Jacobus (VI f) and Barbara Theresia Coene

° Eeklo 13/4/1829
x Eede 15/5/1861 Sabina Verbeke
† Aardenburg 30/12/1908

Sabina was born in Eede (Zeeland) on 12/10/1830.
The left for ‘ter Goest’ on 29 March 1860.
She died in Aardenburg on 2/10/1915.

The children of Felix and Sabina Verbeke:

  1. Eduard Guilielm Van Hootegem
    ° Vlake, Reimerswaal, South-Beveland 28/3/1862
    † Vlake 15/4/1863 (1 year and 18 days)
  2. NN
    ° Vlake 24/11/1863 (stillborn)
  3. Nathalie Mathilde Van Hootegem
    ° Schore, Kapelle, South-Beveland 1865
    † Schore 10/6/1868
  4. Eduard Jacob Van Hootegem (VIII g)
    ° Schore 31/1/1873
    x Eede 25/1/1897 Ida Maria Blondeel (° Eede 5/10/1873)
    † Woensdrecht 29/6/1955.
    Ida Maria passed away in Hontenisse on 13/4/1965.
    The children of Eduard and Ida Blondeel:
    • Prudent Felix Van Hootegem
      ° Kapelle (South-Beveland) 18/11/1897
      † Kapelle 14/4/1898
    • Prudent Felix Van Hootegem
      ° Kapelle 8/1/1899
      † Kapelle 28/3/1899
    • Prudent Felix Van Hootegem
      ° Kapelle 30/6/1900, burgemeester van Sluis
      x Aardenburg 15/7/1925 Sidonie Louise Cuelenaere (° Aardenburg 7/3/1900 - † Sluis 23/11/1989)
      † Knokke 21/10/1985.
    • Alfred Louis Van Hootegem
      ° Kapelle 4/9/1902
      x Waterlandkerkje 30/4/1935 Emma Maria de Milliano.
      Emma was born in Waterlandkerkje on 10/2/1907.  She passed away in Woensdrecht on 1/10/1935.
      xx Eede 4/5/1937 Marie Louise Buyck who was born in Eede on 6/1/1910.
      Alfred died in Woensdrecht on 28/4/1966 and Marie Louise in Huijbergen (N-Br) on 8.3.2002.
      Waterlandkerkje is situated 5 km to the west of Yzendijke, in Zeeland, just north of the Belgian border.
      Woensdrecht is situated in North-Brabant, just south of Bergen-op-Zoom, just north of the Belgian border and the port of Antwerp and to the west of Huijbergen.  And the eastern border of this last Dutch town is also the Belgian-Dutch border.
    • Camille Joseph Van Hootegem
      ° Kapelle 5/9/1902
      x Terneuzen 26/9/1934 Magdalena De Clerck.  She was born in Terneuzen on 30/5/1906 the daughter of Cerilus Jacobus de Clerck and Maria Nathalia van Belle.
      Camille was burgomaster of Hontenisse from 1946 until 1970.  On 1 Januari 2003 his town became a part of Hulst.
      But Camille wasn't there to witness this: he had died in Hulst on 6/6/1978.
«The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family
from St.-Laureins in the Meetjesland in Belgium»,
by Mr. Jozef Dobbelaere
with important additions by Mr. Aloïs van den Oever,
an article published in «De Levensboom» (The Tree of Life),
2007, 20th year, # 1.
De Levensboom is the quarterly periodical of the V.V.F. Meetjesland
(Flemish Association for Genealogy, Meetjesland Section).
Levensboom logo

The parents of Felix Guilielmus:
Petrus Jacobus Van Hootegem (VI f) and Barbara Theresia Coene

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