° St. Laureins 23/11/1778
x St. Laureins 1/5/1806 Maria Car. Van de Velde
xx Adegem 9/5/1810 Joanna Bernardina Cockhuyt
xxx Maldegem 9/3/1821 Barbara Theresia Coene
† Eeklo 19/5/1850
He was a peasant. His first wife, Maria Carolina Van de Velde was the
daughter of Livien Van de Velde and Catharina Theresia Verwilst. She was
born in Lembeke around 1777.
She was a spinner. She died in St. Laureins on 29/5/1809.
He then remarried in Adegem on 9/5/1810.
Joanna Bern. Cockhuyt, his second bride, was the daughter of Jan Frans Cockhuyt
and Maria Cath. Crul.
She was born in Adegem on 18/1/1788.
She died in Eeklo on 14/12/1819.
He then married a third time, in Maldegem on 9/3/1821. Barbara Theresia
Coene was born there on 30/3/1798, the daughter of Joannes Coene and Isabella
She was already widowed for more than 10 years when on 31 August 1861 she left
for Kruiningen and that's where she died on 5/5/1886 (88 years old).
Kruiningen is situated north of the Westerscheld and south of Yerseke.
The children of Petrus Jacobus and Maria Carolina Van de Velde :
Joanna Marie Van Hootegem
° St. Laureins 28/1/1807
(or was it on 3/7/1807 ?)
x St. Laureins 2/10/1832 Jacobus Verbaert (° 1805 - † 1838 in St. Laureins).
She then married a second time. Her second husband was Pieter Joannes Van Daele who was
born in Watervliet about
1813. He passed away in St. Laureins on 24 September 1886.
Petrus Joannes Van Hootegem
° Eeklo 18/4/1814
† Brugge 3/4/1826
Ferdinand Van Hootegem (VII)
° Eeklo 7/11/1815
x St. Laureins 25/10/1854 Joanna Theresia Hoste (° Loppem 6/12/1824)
† St. Laureins 19/1/1880.
Theresia died after 1896.
Pieter Joannes Van Hootegem (VII)
° Eeklo 23/2/1818
x Eeklo 10/11/1842 Seraphina Accoe
† Lembeke 15/6/1863.
NN (stillborn)
° Eeklo 14/12/1819
† Eeklo 14/12/1819
Mother Joanna Bernardina Cockhuyt died on the same day following
delivery of the baby.
The children of Petrus Jacobus and Barbara Theresia Coene :
Jacob Frans Van Hootegem
° Eeklo 24/3/1822
† Eeklo 22/2/1823
Jacob Frans Van Hootegem
° Eeklo 12/5/1823
x Sijsele 30/11/1861 Brigitta Van Bellegem
† St. Laureins 15/9/1890
Brigitta was born in Sijsele around 1829. She died in St. Laureins 17/8/1895
Children : i.a.
Henricus Van Hootegem (VIII c)
° Eeklo 25/6/1862
x St. Laureins 27/9/1895 Juliana Van Hecke
Joseph Bernard Van Hootegem
° Eeklo 11/12/1825
x Eeklo 21/4/1855 Pauline Joanna De Deckere
† Kruiningen 13/4/1886.
He was a farmer.
Pauline was born in Middelburg on 18/3/1818; she died in Ghent on 23/12/1882.
She was first married in Middelburg on 28/12/1840 to Desiderius De Bleecker.
He was born in Moerkerke on 15/2/1801. Desiderius was first married to Ludovica Buysse.
The children of Joseph Bernard Van Hootegem and Pauline De Deckere:
Mathilde Louisa Van Hootegem
° Aardenburg 11/2/1856
† Kapelle 27/3/1857
Mathilde Louwiza Van Hootegem
° Biezelinge ??/5/1857
† Kapelle 16/6/1857
Sophie Van Hootegem
° Eeklo 26/5/1827
Felix Guilielmus Van Hootegem
° Eeklo 13/4/1829
x Eede 15/5/1861 Sabina Verbeke
† Aardenburg 30/12/1908
Marie Van Hootegem
° Eeklo 7/8/1830
xx Kruiningen 1/5/1871 Joannes Van Loenhout
† Wouw 22/12/1903
Joannes was born in Wouw on 25/10/1824 and died there on 1/2/1882.
Maria Antonia was first married to Jan Valkenburg (° around 1825), by whom she
had a daughter called Hendrina born in Wouw on 9/1/1873. She
married again later with Cornelis Nelen.
The one child of Marie Van Hootegem :
Petrus Van Loenhout
° Wouw 1/11/1874
x Bergen-op-Zoom 25/4/1904 to Elisabeth Uitdewilligen
Pelagie Van Hootegem
° Eeklo 16/5/1832
Ludovica Van Hootegem
° Eeklo 19/10/1833
Left for Ghent on 8/1/1857.
Amelia Victoria Van Hootegem
° Eeklo 23/2/1835
Louis Van Hootegem
° Eeklo 1/2/1836
x St. Laureins 2/4/1869 Sophia De Jaeger
° St. Laureins 10/10/1823
Eduard Van Hootegem (VII h)
° Eeklo 10/3/1838
x Kapelle 11/2/1874 Christina De Bleecker
† Kruiningen 21/3/1902
Ivo Van Hootegem (VII g)
° Eeklo 10/11/1839
x Kloetinge 7/5/1873 Pieternella Konings
† Ghent 7/3/1917
Aloysius Van Hootegem
° Eeklo 18/6/1841
† Eeklo 17/5/1842
* Many thanks to Mrs. M.C. Vandevelde who found
their tombstone in the cemetery of Wulpen (north-east of Furnes). She also referred us to a
page and to the website of Mr. Ludwig Lauwereins where you can find out about Dionisia's 14 children.
«The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family
from St.-Laureins in the Meetjesland in Belgium»,
by Mr. Jozef Dobbelaere
with important additions by Mr. Aloïs van den Oever,
an article published in «De Levensboom» (The Tree of Life),
2007, 20th year, # 1. De Levensboom
is the quarterly periodical of the V.V.F. Meetjesland
(Flemish Association for Genealogy, Meetjesland Section).