Pieternelle was born Kloetinge on 8/3/1853. They left for ‘ter Goest’ on 29 March 1860.
She died in Ghent on 31/1/1932.
The children of Ivo and Pieternella Konings :
Johanna Van Hootegem
° Kloetinge 23/9/1873
x Jozef Van den Berghe (° Ghent 13/12/1869 - † Ghent 22/8/1918)
† Ghent 31/5/1909
Barbara Van Hootegem
° Kloetinge 19/3/1875
x Octaaf Leclercq (° 12/12/1876)
† Ghent 19/1/1952
Maria Elisabeth Van Hootegem
° Kloetinge 28/3/1876
† Kloetinge 30/6/1876
Petrus Jacobus Van Hootegem
° Kloetinge 25/3/1877
x Yzendijke 18/5/1900 Stephanie Van den Bunder
(° Yzendijke 1876 - † Oostburg 8/12/1966)
† Oostburg 20/11/1953
Jacobus Bernardus Van Hootegem
° Kloetinge 13/4/1878
† Kloetinge 30/11/1878
Marie Elisabeth Van Hootegem
° Kloetinge 3/7/1879
x Leonardus Van den Bunder (° Yzendijke 24/1/1880 - † Yzendijke 28/3/1950)
† Oostburg 4/11/1978
Jacob Bernard Van Hootegem
° Kloetinge 13/6/1880
x Ghent 11/1/1913 Charlotte De Baets
Sophia Van Hootegem
° Schore 27/7/1881
x Eugenius Buysse
† St.-Amandsberg 28/4/1957
Eugenius werd geboren in Sint-Kruis-Winkel op 23/9/1881; hij overleed in Sint-Amandsberg
op 28/4/1957
Elisabeth Van Hootegem
° Schore 16/12/1882
x 18/5/1907 Ludovicus Van Brussel (° Ghent 28/11/1881 - † 3/9/1935)
† Sint-Amandsberg 20/12/1957
Ludovica Cornelia Van Hootegem
° Schore 29/4/1884
x Ghent 23/3/19?? Jules Smullenberg (° Ghent 23/3/1883 - † Ghent 2/4/1958)
Johannis Franciscus Van Hootegem
° Schore 4/7/1885
† Schore 18/8/1885
Amelia Sabina Van Hootegem
° Schore 11/8/1886
x Honoré Struys (° Hoboken 27/5/1878 - † Ledeberg 15/5/1925)
† Ledeberg 9/4/1940
Nathalia Van Hootegem
° Schore 11/9/1887
† Biervliet 30/12/1894
Rosalie Van Hootegem
° Schore 12/10/1888
x Sint-Amandsberg 26/10/1912 Julianus Van der Straeten
(° Ghent 7/4/1887 - † Ghent 11/11/1924)
† Ghent 9/7/1976
Cornelia Anna Van Hootegem
° Schore 4/2/1890
† Ghent 12/6/1913
Edward Francies Van Hootegem
° Schore 4/2/1891
† Schore 16/8/1891
Eduardus Franciscus Van Hootegem
° Schore 11/8/1892
† Ghent 3/11/1918
Pelagie Mathilde Van Hootegem
° Biervliet 22/8/1893
† Ghent 20/4/1961
Martha Giselena Van Hootegem
° Yzendijke 11/10/1896
x Prosper Gilles (° Ghent 26/5/1895 - † Ghent 6/7/1975)
† Gentbrugge 19/5/1984
Gentbrugge is since 1977 administratively a part of Ghent, the capital of
East-Flanders. Belgium is divided in 10 provinces and East-Flanders is
one of them.
«The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family
from St.-Laureins in the Meetjesland in Belgium»,
by Mr. Jozef Dobbelaere
with important additions by Mr. Aloïs van den Oever,
an article published in «De Levensboom» (The Tree of Life),
2007, 20th year, # 1. De Levensboom
is the quarterly periodical of the V.V.F. Meetjesland
(Flemish Association for Genealogy, Meetjesland Section).
Ivo's parents: Petrus Jacobus (VI) Van Hootegem and Barbara Theresia Coene