The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family from St. Laureins in East-Flanders, BelgiumDeze blz in het nederlands

VII     Jacobus Francies Van Hootegem

fs. Judocus Bernard (VI a) Van Hootegem and Angelina Mobelis

° Sint-Laureins 19.12.1821
x Sint-Laureins 1.8.1861 Marie Theresia Vanhulle
† Sint-Laureins 16.6.1895

He was an innkeeper.

Marie Therese was the daughter of Ferdinand Van Hulle and Theresia Ryckaert.  She was born in Sint-Laureins on 26.4.1840 and died there on 31.8.1908.

The children of Jacob Francies and Maria Theresia Van Hulle:

  1. Theresia Laurentia Vanhootegem
    ° 10.10.1861 Sint-Laureins
    Left for Sint-Amandsberg on 2.7.1879
    One child:
    • Marie Louise Vanhootegem
      ° Sint-Laureins 2.1.1884
      † Sint-Laureins 22.4.1951
      Married in Sint-Laureins on 17.11.1902 to André Vandevoorde who was born in Sint-Laureins on 12.2.1873 and died in Ghent on 30.7.1940.
      • Henri Joseph Vanhootegem
        ° Sint-Laureins 5.6.1902
        Left for Eede in 1923.  Eede is a town just across the Belgian-Dutch border in Zeeland.
      • Maurice Marie Vandevoorde
        ° Sint-Laureins 5.5.1904
        Left for Sint Kruis (Holy Cross) in Zeeland on 16.3.1921
      • Leonie Angèle Marie Vandevoorde
        ° Sint-Laureins 27.1.1908
        Left for Ghent on 11.10.1933.
  2. Leonie Vanhootegem
    ° Sint-Laureins 17.9.1863
    Left for the proud and beautiful city of Ghent on 27.5.1881.
  3. Henrica Vanhootegem
    ° Sint-Laureins 14.6.1866
    † 16.3.1929 Sint-Laureins.
    Married in Sint-Laureins on 5.9.1893 to Petrus Vergauwe who was born in Sint-Laureins on 31.12.1846 and died there on 15.3.1927.  He was the son of Charles Vergauwe and Marie Th. Staelens.
    Petrus was first married in Sint-Laureins on 13.4.1888 to Marie Sophie Declercq (who was born there on 7.12.1835 and who died there on 4.11.1892).
    • Emil Marie Vergauwe
      ° 17.1.1894 Sint-Laureins
      Left for Elsene (Ixelles) on 22.11.1919.
    • Magdalena Marie Vergauwe
      ° Sint-Laureins 5.6.1897
    • Georgius Leopoldus Vergauwe
      ° Sint-Laureins 4.9.1900
      Married in Sint-Laureins on 16.11.1927 to Germaine Schelstraete who was born there on 12.8.1902 and who died in Eeklo on 31.7.1999.
      † Sint-Laureins 29.10.1955
  4. Renilde Marie Vanhootegem
    ° Sint-Laureins 9.7.1867
    Left for Ghent on 22.2.1883.
  5. Prudentia Maria Vanhootegem
    ° Sint-Laureins 6.3.1870
    Left for Ghent on 4.5.1888.
  6. Sophie Vanhootegem
    ° St-Laureins 31.8.1872
    x Annawan, Henry, Illinois 22.8.1910 August Noë
    † Moline, Illinois 3.11.1930
  7. Emma Maria Vanhootegem
    ° Sint-Laureins 13.5.1875
    Left for Ghent on 16.11.1890.
  8. Natalie Rosalie Marie Vanhootegem
    ° Sint-Laureins 8.2.1878
    † Sint-Laureins 2.4.1886
  9. Jules Vanhootegem
    ° Sint-Laureins 2.5.1879
    x Kaprijke 26.4.1911 Leonie De Jaeger.
    Leonie was born in Kaprijke on 21.1.1877.
    He was for a while farmer in the Vlotweg 2 in Sint-Laureins (1910) but on 27.6.1910 they left for Leeuwergem.  And on 27 December 1920 they left for the U.S.A.
    We know more about Julius and Leona as they were called in America thanks to the work of Judi Paustian McDowell, a Find-a-Grave volunteer who is married to a Van Hootegem descendant.
    Julius had been a resident of Moline for the last 31 years when he died in his home there on 15 February 1944 and Leona died at 2:15 in the morning in Moline Public Hospital on 10 Oct. 1951.  The prayer cards of Julius and Leonie.
    They had three sons:
    • Edward
      His birth certificate states Eduard De Jaeger was born in Kaprijke on 3.3.1902.
      In the borderline to the left of the text of the actual birth certificate was written: "Eduard De Jaeger whose birth certificate appears besides this, has been legalised by the subsequent wedding of his father and mother Jules Vanhootegem and Leonie De Jaeger today, acted before us.  Caprycke the twenty sixth April nineteen hundred and eleven.  The Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages."
      ° Kaprijke 3.3.1902
      x Mary Louise Roose
      Mary was born in Rapids City, RI, Illinois on 28/6/1914 and she died on 28/8/1981 in Moline, Rock Island, Il.  She was the daughter of William Roose (º Brussels) and Alice Busqua(e)rt (º Ruislede).
      They had a daughter Katherine born after 1950, married after 1981 to Joseph Ybarra who was born around 1946 in Moline, the son of Joseph F. Ybarra and Severina Garcia.
      Edward died in Moline, Illinois on 30/6/1970.
    • Raymond VanHootegem
    • Staff Sergeant Henry VanHootegem
    Someone by the name of Julius Van Hooteghem was born in St-Laureins on 2.5.1879, was married to Leonie De Jaeger and died in Moline, Illinois on 15.2.1944.  Could it be that we're talking here about one and the same person ?
  10. Emile Vanhootegem
    ° Sint-Laureins 2.5.1879
    Left for Leeuwergem on 29.11.1908.
«The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family
from St.-Laureins in the Meetjesland in Belgium»,
by Mr. Jozef Dobbelaere
with important additions by Mr. Aloïs van den Oever,
an article published in «De Levensboom» (The Tree of Life),
2007, 20th year, # 1.
De Levensboom is the quarterly periodical of the V.V.F. Meetjesland
(Flemish Association for Genealogy, Meetjesland Section).
Levensboom logo

Many thanks also to Mrs. Marie-Christine Vandevelde:
she brought the report of Mr. Venesoen to our attention.

The father of Jacobus Francies, Judocus Bernard (VI a) Van Hootegem

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