The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family from St. Laureins in East-Flanders, BelgiumDeze blz in het nederlands

IV     Judocus Van Hootegem

seventh child of Peter Van Ootegem and Anthonette De Vos

° St. Laureins 7/10/1712
x *SL 10/4/1742 Elisabeth Leuntjens
† *SL 16/10/1777

Elisabeth Leuntjens was born in *SL on 5/9/1716.  She was the daughter of Peter Leuntjens and Florentia Claeys.  She was married in *SL on 30/4/1741 to Noë Roelof.  Noë died childless in *SL on 26/5/1741.  He was only 23 years old.

Elisabeth died in *SL on 28/3/1780.  On 30 March 1780 she was buried and the burial certificate states that she was the widow of Judocus Van Ootegem after his second wedding.

The children of Judocus Van Ootegem and Elisabeth Leuntjens:

  1. A/a>nna Maria Van Ootegem (V e)
    ° *SL 15/1/1743
    x *SL 1/5/1770 Petrus Willems
    † *SL 11/2/1813
    She was a spinner.
    Petrus was born in *SL ca. 1735.  He died there on 23/11/1781 (46 yrs).
    Their children:
    • Joanna Maria Willems
      º St. Laureins 19/3/1771
      † St. Laureins 6/8/1771
    • Joannes Baptist Willems
      º St. Laureins 18/10/1772
    • Joanna Theresia Willems
      º St. Laureins 15/5/1775
      † St. Laureins 2/11/1775
    • Pertrus Joannes Willems
      º St. Laureins 3/2/1777
    • Anna Catharina Willems
      º St. Laureins 11/9/1780
      Ze is hertrouwd in St. Laureins op 25/2/1783 met Peter Ponseele (Oedelem º  ca.1751)
      † St. Laureins 17/10/1783
      One daughter: Joanna Maria Ponseele º St. Laureins 7/4/1785.
    Three children were mentioned in the
    estate reckonings (Maldegem) of 19/10/1782: Jan Baptiste Willems (9 years), Pieter Joannes Willems (5 years) and Anna Catharina Willems (16 months).  The paternal ward was Joannes Theodorus Van Hootegem.
    Anna Maria Van Ootegem remarried with Pierre Ponseele who was born in Oedelem ca. 1753.
  2. Jan Theodoor Van Ootegem (V a)
    ° St. Laureins 23/4/1745
    x *SL 2/5/1774 Maria Jacoba Plasschaert
    Adegem 10/6/1822
  3. Peter Jan Van Ootegem (V f)
    ° *SL 9/2/1749
    x *SL 1/5/1775 Anna Catharina Nevejans
    † *SL 12/4/1808
    Anna Catharina was born in Maldegem on 19/4/1747 and died after 1808.
    Their children:
    • Peter Josef Van Ootegem
    • Jan Frans Van Ootegem
    • Jacob Frans Van Ootegem
  4. Frans Bernard Van Ootegem
    ° *SL 3/1/1751
    † *SL 11/5/1752
  5. Joanna Catharina Van Ootegem
    ° *SL 20/5/1753
    † *SL 29/6/1753
  6. Bernard Van Ootegem
    ° *SL 2/5/1754
    † *SL 7/7/1754
  7. Anna Van Ootegem (V g)
    ° St. Laureins 30/10/1755
    x *SL 2/6/1778 Peter Van den Driessche
    † *SL 11/5/1819
    Peter was born in Maldegem on 22/10/1754.  He died in *SL.
    Their children: Peter Bernard, Maria Cornelia, Joanna, Jacob, Anna, Jan, Anna, Ferdinand and Maria Carolina.
  8. Bernard Van Ootegem
    ° *SL 23/6/1758
    † *SL 21/8/1758
«The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family
from St.-Laureins in the Meetjesland in Belgium»,
by Mr. Jozef Dobbelaere
with important additions by Mr. Aloïs van den Oever,
an article published in «De Levensboom» (The Tree of Life),
2007, 20th year, # 1.
De Levensboom is the quarterly periodical of the V.V.F. Meetjesland
(Flemish Association for Genealogy, Meetjesland Section).
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echo "$pcnt Judocus' father:
Peter Van Ootegem (III)

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