The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family from St. Laureins in East-Flanders, BelgiumDeze blz in het nederlands

III     Peter Van Hootegem

° ca. 1667
x St. Laureins 28/4/1697 Anthonette De Vos
† St. Laureins 30/1/1757 (90 j)

Anthonette was born in St. Laureins on 16/5/1672, the daughter of Joos De Vos and Adriana Simoens.  Her mother Adriana, was buried in St. Laureins on 16/7/1696 and Anthonette herself also died there but not before 27/10/1748.  She was 75 years old.

There are the estate reckonings of 30/4/1749 (Ambacht Maldegem) of Anthonette De Vos.  The heirs come from 6 different family branches.  One Maria Van Ootegem is the godmother of one of the children and no doubt a sister of Peter.

The children of Peter Van Ootegem and Anthonette De Vos:

  1. Jacob Van Ootegem (IV)
    ° St. Laureins 22/5/1698
    x  Joanna Saey
    xx  Joanna Lambrecht
    † St. Laureins 26/4/1781 (83 years)
  2. Jan Van Ootegem
    ° St. Laureins 9/10/1700
    x St. Laureins 15/8/1725 Joanna Van Hecke
    xx St. Laureins 11/1/1751 Maria Himschoot
    † St. Laureins 20/8/1768 (69 yrs.)
    Joanna Van Hecke died in St. Laureins on 18/2/1730.
    Maria Himschoot was born ca. 1697.  She died in St. Laureins on 24/4/1766 (69 yrs).
    The children of Jan and Joanna Van Hecke : Peter and Petronilla
    The estate reckonings of Jan Van Ootegem fs Pieter date from 24/11/1768 (Ambacht Maldegem)
    If he had descendants none were alive when he gave up the ghost.
  3. Judoca Van Ootegem
    ° St. Laureins 1/4/1702
    x St. Laureins 23/6/1727 Pieter Saey
    † St. Laureins 13/12/1773 (72 yrs)
    Pieter was born around 1696.  He died in St. Laureins on 20/11/1768 (72 yrs).
    The children all born in St. Laureins: Jacob, Frans, Jan, Peter Jan, Joanna, Anna Maria.
  4. Peter Van Ootegem
    ° St. Laureins 17/10/1703
    † St. Laureins 17/7/1704
  5. Petronilla Van Ootegem
    ° St. Laureins 7/3/1706
    x St. Laureins 1/5/1729 Pieter Willems (° 1702)
    xx St. Laureins 3/5/1742 Guillaume Bleyaert
    † St. Laureins 7/5/1745 (39 yrs)
    Pieter Willems was born around 1702.  He died in St. Laureins on 21/11/1741.
    The children of Pieter Willems and Petronella Van Ootegem : Jan, Maria Theresia, Corneel, Joanna, Petronella, Maria Jacoba and Peter Jacob.
    Guillaume Bleyaert weas born in Aalter ca. 1701.
    Guillaume Bleyaert was aslo married to Petronella De Bruyckere, Joanna De Wispelaere and Godeliva Houterman.  He died in St. Laureins on 14/3/1785 (84 yrs)
    The children of Guilielm Bleyaert and Petronella Van Ootegem: Judoca and Elisabeth.
    The estate reckonings of Pieter Willems fs Jan, date from 17/3/1742 (Eeklo) and those of Pieternelle Van Ootegem date from 16/6/1745 (Eeklo).
  6. Peter Van Ootegem
    ° St. Laureins 15/3/1708
    x St. Laureins 19/5/1736 Elisabeth Leuntjens
    † St. Laureins 19/6/1741 (31 yrs)
    Elisabeth Leuntjens was the daughter of Judocus Leuntjens and Apollonia Beuselinck.  She was born in St. Laureins on 20/6/1714.  She remarried in St. Laureins with Jan Caussijn on 27/9/1741 and died in St. Laureins on 2 March 1742.  She was 28 yrs old.  Jan Caussijn remarried with Maria Vernaet.  He died in St. Laureins on 3/3/1747 (30 yrs), no doubt without descendancy.  Mother Appolonia remarried with with Peter Raepsaet.
    The estate reckonings of Peter Van Ootegem fs Pieter dates from 26/9/1741 (Ambacht Maldegem).  There is only one child alive: Francies Bernard, 4 years old.  The paternal ward is Jacob Van Ootegem and the maternal ward is Francies Leuntjens.
    The children of Peter Van Ootegem and Elisabeth Leuntjens : Frans Bernard, Carel, Peter Jan, Judocus.
    Son Frans Bernard married Petronella Theresia Brandt.  And their children were: Joanna Cornelia (x Pierre Hovelinck), Maria Petronella and Peter Jacob.
    When Joanna Cornelia Van Ooteghem died in St. Laureins on 21 December 1799 she was registered as "un-Catholic" and she was buried with the lowest service in Sint-Jan-in-Eremo.
  7. Judocus Van Ootegem (Joseph)
    ° St. Laureins 7/10/1712
    x St. Laureins 10/4/1742 Elisabeth Leuntjens
    † St. Laureins 16/10/1777
  8. Nicolaas Van Ootegem
    ° St. Laureins 10/5/1716
    † St. Laureins 18/12/1747 (31 yrs.)
«The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family
from St.-Laureins in the Meetjesland in Belgium»,
by Mr. Jozef Dobbelaere
with important additions by Mr. Aloïs van den Oever,
an article published in «De Levensboom» (The Tree of Life),
2007, 20th year, # 1.
De Levensboom is the quarterly periodical of the V.V.F. Meetjesland
(Flemish Association for Genealogy, Meetjesland Section).
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