The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family from St. Laureins in East-Flanders, Belgium
Julie Marie Van Hootegem
fa. Pieter Joannes
Van Hootegem (VII) and Seraphina Accoe
° Lembeke 20/10/1849
x Lembeke 11/4/1877 Bruno Van Zele
† Kaprijke 13/8/1928
Bruno was born in Kaprijke on 3/5/1839. They were farmers. They
lived i.a. in Haantjen in Bassevelde.
The children of Julie and Bruno Van Zele:
Maria Van Zele
° Lembeke 15/3/1878
Sister Maria Landrada, of the Sisters Josephines of the Briel in Ghent.
† Ghent 16/2/1940
Camiel Eduard Van Zele
° Lembeke 31/7/1879
† Gent 13/2/1933 (not married)
Emerence Mathilde Van Zele
° Lembeke 27/4/1881
x Jules Dauwe
xx Emiel Wauters
† Eeklo 22/4/1958 No children.
Julius Van Zele
° Lembeke 31/8/1882
x Bassevelde 6/5/1912 Emelie De Paepe
(° Bassevelde 21/3/1885)
† Wulveringem (Vinkem) 23/11/1915
Fell in WW I !
Edmond Van Zele
° Lembeke 16/2/1884
x Martha Van Lancker
Martha was born in Kaprijke on 20/9/1891.
They left for the U.S.A. and Martha died in Coal Valley, Illinois on 13/3/1985.
Henricus Van Zele
° Sint-Jan-in-Eremo 23/11/1885
† Sint-Jan-in-Eremo 10/9/1886
Henricus Eduard Van Zele
° Sint-Jan-in-Eremo 28/6/1887
x Romanie De Neve
† Boekhoute 14/9/1974
Three sons :
- René Van Zele x Celesta Slock,
- Jozef Van Zele x Christine Haverbeke
- Robert Van Zele x Agnes Haverbeke
Petrus Van Zele
° Sint-Jan-in-Eremo 12/10/1889
† Sint-Jan-in-Eremo 9/3/1890
Clement Van Zele
° Bassevelde 13/12/1891
† Bassevelde 24/8/1905
«The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family
from St.-Laureins in the Meetjesland in Belgium»,
by Mr. Jozef Dobbelaere
with important additions by Mr. Aloïs van den Oever,
an article published in «De Levensboom» (The Tree of Life),
2007, 20th year, # 1. De Levensboom
is the quarterly periodical of the V.V.F. Meetjesland
(Flemish Association for Genealogy, Meetjesland Section).
Julie's parents, Pieter Joannes
Van Hootegem (VII) and Seraphina Accoe