The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family from St. Laureins in East-Flanders, BelgiumDeze blz in het nederlands

VII f     Pieter Joannes Van Hootegem

fs. Petrus Jacob Van Hootegem and Joanna B. Cockhuyt

° Eeklo 23/2/1818
x Eeklo 10/11/1842 Seraphina Accoe
xx Lembeke 29/11/1854 Sophia De Smet
† Lembeke 15/6/1863

Seraphina was born in Adegem on 29/3/1813.  She was the daughter of Petrus Franciscus († Eeklo 29/3/1821) and Isabella Dumouleyn.  She was a spinner.  She died in Lembeke on 23/2/1854.

Pieter Joannes was a farmer.

The children of Pieter Joannes and Seraphina Accoe :

  1. Aloysius Van Hootegem
    ° Lembeke 13/9/1845
    † Lembeke 15/7/1854
  2. August Van Hootegem
    ° Lembeke 14/7/1847
    x Eeklo 10/8/1870 Sophia De Buck
    † Sint-Margriete 26/7/1874
    Sophia was the daughter of Jan Baptiste De Buck and Sophia Dhaenens.  She was born in Eeklo on 24/8/1842.
    August was innkeeper and farmer.  They lived in the Dorpstraat 21 in Sint-Margriete.  After his demise Sophia went to live in Eeklo on 7/1/1875.  In 1885 she was a shopkeeper in the Cocquitstraat in Eeklo.
    She remarried on 18/8/1875 with Eduard Ryckaert who was a baker and butcher.  He was born in Middelburg on 1/8/1841 the son of Jan Francies Ryckaert († Middelburg 14/1/1848) and Marie De Meyere († Eeklo 22/12/1874).  Sophia died in Eeklo on 17/9/1885 and Eduard died there on 25/12/1907.
    The children of August Van Hootegem and Sophia De Buck :
    • Eduard Van Hootegem
      ° Sint-Margriete 23/11/1870
      He was a baker's man.  He lived in the Vlamingstraat.
      † Eeklo 5/4/1897 (in Brugsestraat)
    • Marie Louise Van Hootegem
      ° Sint-Margriete 22/3/1872.
      On 24/1/1894 she went to live in the Brabantdam in Ghent and from there she moved to England.
    • Henricus Franciscus Van Hootegem
      ° Sint-Margriete 10/9/1873
    The children of Eduard Ryckaert and Sophia De Buck :
    • Petrus Aimé Ryckaert (x Josephine Heene)
    • Marie Therese Ryckaert (x Camiel De Baets)
    • Emma Victoria Ryckaert
  3. Julie Marie Van Hootegem (VIII f)
    ° Lembeke 20/10/1849
    x Lembeke 11/4/1877 Bruno Van Zele
    Kaprijke 13/8/1928
    Here in our Van Zele genealogy website more about them and their descendants.

  5. Charles Louis Van Hootegem (VIII)
    ° Lembeke 1/4/1852
    x Lembeke 21/4/1876 Marie Mathilde De Sutter
    † Lembeke 7/1/1924

Sophia, Pieter's second wife, was the daughter of Antonius De Smet and Petronilla Goethals.  She was born in Lembeke on 16/12/1814.  On 29/11/1854 she was married to Pieter Van Hootegem who died on 15 June 1863.  And on 24/6/1864 she remarried with Jan Baptiste Van de Woestijne.  She died in Lembeke on 14/11/1874.

The son of Pieter Joannes Van Hootegem and Sophia De Smet:

  1. Eduardus Francies Van Hootegem
    ° Lembeke 3/3/1856
    † Green-Bay, Wisconsin 13/2/1906
    Eduardus was ordained in Roermond on 2 April 1881 and he became a missionary in Green-Bay in Wisconsin, where he died on 13 February 1906.  He was burried in Hollandtown, Wisconsin, his last residence.  He served especially the many Flemings who had settled there.
    Mr. Jozef Dobbelaere has published an article about him in the periodical "Heemkundige Bijdragen van het Meetjesland" (Meetjesland Local History Contributions).
«The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family
from St.-Laureins in the Meetjesland in Belgium»,
by Mr. Jozef Dobbelaere
with important additions by Mr. Aloïs van den Oever,
an article published in «De Levensboom» (The Tree of Life),
2007, 20th year, # 1.
De Levensboom is the quarterly periodical of the V.V.F. Meetjesland
(Flemish Association for Genealogy, Meetjesland Section).
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Pieter Joannes' father, Petrus Jacob Van Hootegem

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