The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family from St. Laureins in East-Flanders, BelgiumDeze blz in het nederlands

VII d     Jan Bernard Van Hootegem

fs. Petrus Jacobus (VI f) en Joanna Bernardina Cockhuyt

° Eeklo 15/8/1812
x Sint-Margriete, Christina Sekeet
xx St. Laureins 7/12/1864 Maria Theresia Devlieger

Christina was born in Maldegem on 4/7/1815; she died in Sint-Margriete on 2/2/1864.
xx St. Laureins 7/12/1864 with Maria Theresia Devlieger
Maria Theresia was born in Eeklo on 5/5/1806.  She was first married to Pieter Jan Cleymans.  She passed away in St. Laureins on 28/9/1895.

The children of Jan Bernard and Christina Sekeet :

  1. Eduard Van Hootegem
    ° Sint-Margriete 27/4/1841
    † Eeklo 25/2/1843
  2. Rosalie Van Hootegem
    ° Sint-Margriete 25/1/1843
    x Sint-Margriete 26/10/1864 Joannes Franciscus De Clerck
    Kinderen :
    Maria Margarita, August, Sophia, Petrus Eduardus
  3. Philomena Van Hootegem
    ° Sint-Margriete 25/10/1844
    x Sint-Margriete 26/2/1862 Josephus Cauwels
  4. Marie Christine Van Hootegem
    ° Sint-Margriete 24/5/1846
    x Sint-Margriete 19/10/1867 Pieter Joannes De Wilde
    St. Laureins 21/12/1877
  5. Carolus Ludovicus Van Hootegem
    ° Sint-Margriete 8/10/1847
  6. Marie Mathilde Van Hootegem
    ° Sint-Margriete 26/2/1850
    x Sint-Margriete 16/9/1874 Leopoldus Debevere
    They farmed and ran a public house. In 1910 they lived at Dorp 98 in St. Laureins.
    Their children :
    • Emma Debevere
    • Clemence Debevere
      x Karel Van Hecke
    • Clara Debevere
  7. Joannes Bernardus Van Hootegem
    ° Sint-Margriete 16/12/1851
  8. Dionisia Sophia Van Hootegem
    ° Sint-Margriete 9/10/1853
    x Sint-Margriete 19/8/1876 Augustinus Van Hyfte
    He was born in St. Laureins on 1/2/1850, the son of Joannes Bernardus Van Hyfte (1818-1899) and Sophie Van Brussel (1826-1901).
    Dionisia and Augustinus both passed away in Veurne (Furnes), she on 12 August 1931 and he on 17 October 1935. Here we have two pictures of their tombstone in the cemetery of Wulpen.
    They had no less than 14 children:
    • Maria-Louisa Van Hyfte (1878-1925)
    • Emilie Marie Van Hyfte 1879-1947)
    • Emile Van Hyfte (1881-1949)
    • Emma Christine Van Hyfte (1883-1898)
    • Jules Van Hyfte (1884-1884)
    • Mathilde Van Hyfte (1885-1909)
    • Jules Van Hyfte (1885-1889)
    • Jozef Van Hyfte (1887-1972)
    • Julia Maria Van Hyfte
      ° Heist-aan-zee 15/01/1891
      x Wulpen 13/04/1914 August Logier
      He was born on 21/02/1880 at Schore (situated between Mannekensvere and Sint-Pieterskapelle).
      Here you can see the wedding picture of Julia and August.
      They had at least 4 children:
      • Julien Logier ° 1915
      • Maria Logier ° 1916
      • Godelieve Logier ° 1924
      • Gerarda Logier ° 1929
    • Petrus Van Hyfte (1892 - 1918)
    • Alfonsine Van Hyfte (1893 - 1893)
    • Delphine Van Hyfte (1894 - 1975)
    • René Van Hyfte (1896 - )
    • Kamiel Van Hyfte (1899 - 1980)
«The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family
from St.-Laureins in the Meetjesland in Belgium»,
by Mr. Jozef Dobbelaere
with important additions by Mr. Aloïs van den Oever,
an article published in «De Levensboom» (The Tree of Life),
2007, 20th year, # 1.
De Levensboom is the quarterly periodical of the V.V.F. Meetjesland
(Flemish Association for Genealogy, Meetjesland Section).
Levensboom logo

De ouders van Jan Bernard:
Petrus Jacobus (VI) and Barbara Theresia Coene

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