The Windey family coming from the Waasland in East-Flanders, BelgiumDeze blz in het nederlands

Camille Ferdinand Windey

fs. Augustinus Windey and Prudentia De Craene

° St-Margriete 29 June 1869
x 1901 Leona Catour (° 4 Jan. 1877 - † Rock Island County, Illinois, 21 July 1949)
† 1955

Burgomaster Joannes Francies Lefeber, also the registrar of births, marriages and deaths, wrote Wiendy instead of Windey on the birth certificate.
According to that same birth certificate Augustinus was then 35 years old and chairmaker by profession.  He lived in the High Street and was not able to read or sign his name.  His "legal housewife" was then 27 years old.

Click on the image below to see a larger copy of it. 
Birth Certificate of Camiel Wiendy

Birth Certificate of Camiel Wiendy

Camille left for the U.S.A. where an immigration official wrote down his name as Camil Windy.

The information that follows comes from Jacqueline Boelens (née Strand), from the 1920, 1930 and 1940 US Census Records and from the Find-a-grave website.

Camiel and Leona had six children:

  1. August William Windy
    ° Henry County, Illinois, USA 22 Sept. 1902
    x Rose Sophia Wirth
    She was born in Kewanee, Henry County, Illinois, USA on 15 Nov. 1904.
    Her parents were William Peter Wirth (1875 - 1933) and Rosalie Marie Verkruyse (1880 - 1956).
    Both passed away in Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, he on 18 June 1987 she on 1 Oct. 1995.
    The daughter of August and Rose:
    • Dorothy Rose Windy
      ° Henry County, Illinois, 8 Jan. 1928
      † Osco, Henry County, Illinois 18 May 1943
  2. Sophie M. Windy
    ° Atkinson, Henry County, Illinois 27 Jan. 1904
    x Arthur C. Minnaert (1902 - 1994)
    † Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois 28 Oct. 1998
    One daughter:
    • Donna M. Minnaert
      ° Atkinson, Henry County, Illinois 28 Oct. 1929
      x Nov. 1950 Darrell Bollengier
      xx Jan. 1982 Howard Newman (1929 - 2005)
      † Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, 1 Oct. 2005
  3. Raymond F. Windy
    ° Illinois 1 Mar. 1906
    x Atkinson, Illinois 11 Sept. 1929 Elsie Marie Lousie DeSutter
    Elsie was born in Atkinson, Henry County, Illinois on 7 Mar. 1910 and she died in Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois on 28 Dec. 1996.  She was the daughter of Petrus Clementius DeSutter and Emma Sophie Vincent.
    Emma Sophie Vincent and Clement De Sutter were both born in Lembeke, she on 14 Feb. 1866 and he on 20 July 1866.  Emma was the daughter of Serafien Vincent and Adele VandeVelde.  She died on 20 July 1939 in Atkinson, Henry County, Illinois and Clement passed away on 1 Jan. 1948.  According to his funeral card he died in Moline, Illinois but other sources claim he died in Atkinson.
    Raymond Windy passed away in Illinois on 12 Nov. 1981
  4. Mary I. Windy
    ° Atkinson, Henry County, Illinois 27 Oct. 1907
    x Atkinson, Illinois 19 Feb. 1930 Leonard J. Hulslander
    Leonard was born in Atkinson, Henry County, Illinois on 12 Jan. 1909, the son of John Hulslander (1874 - 1952) and his spouse Mary DeReu (1879 - 1943).  He passed away on 4 July 1979 in Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois.
    † Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois 28 Apr. 2003
    Mary and Leonard had three sons:
    • Leonard “Len” and Sandy Hulslander, Geneseo
    • Don and Marybeth Hulslander, Cape Coral, FL
    • Gary and Teri Hulslander, Punto Gorda, FL
    At the time of Mary's death in Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois on 28 Apr. 2003 there were 10 grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren, 2 great-great grandchildren, 4 step grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
  5. Julius Windy
    ° 30 June 1911
    x Mary Margaret "Peg" Roush
    † Henry County, Illinois 22 Sept. 1949
  6. Selma Windy
    ° Illinois about 1914
    We have no furter information on her.  We don't know where or when Selma died.  The 1930 census lists both parents and only their two youngest children.  She and her brother Julius are not mentioned in the death notices of their parents.  Julius died five years before his father but two months after his mother.

The parents of Camiel: Augustinus Windey and Prudentia De Craene

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Adrianus (° 1577)
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Augustinus (° 1811)
Augustinus (° 1834)
Camille Ferdinand
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Petrus Bernardus
Petrus Franciscus

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