The Windey family coming from the Waasland in East-Flanders, BelgiumDeze blz in het nederlands

Petrus Leonardus Windey

fs. Charles Louis Windey and Emerentia Maria van Leeuwe

° St-Margriete 7/3/1905
x Adrienne Coppejans
Eeklo 19/3/1992

Adrienne Coppejans (° Watervliet 29/6/1909 - † St-Margriete 24/1/2004) was the daughter of Leo Coppejans and Marie-Louise Bogaert.

The children of Petrus and Adrienne:

  1. Mariette Windey
    ° 21/7/1933
    x Edgard De Jaeger-Braet (° St-Margriete 27/1/1924 - † Eeklo 1/5/2021)
    The children of Mariette and Edgard:
    • Nicole Adrienne De Jaeger-Braet
      x Gerard Faes
      They have three children and four grandchildren.
    • Christine De Jaeger-Braet
      x Luc De Vrieze
      They have one daughter.
    • Ludo Medard De Jaeger-Braet
      ° 25/12/1956
      x Ria De Vos (° 10/9/1963)
      They have two daughters and four grandchildren.
    • Bernardine De Jaeger-Braet
      x Patrick De Vrieze
      They have two children.
    • Stefaan De Jaeger-Braet
      ° 22/9/1962
      He has a son and a daughter.
  2. Odette Windey
    x Hilaire Van Parijs
    The children of Hilaire and Odette:
    • Peter Van Parijs
    • Filip Van Parijs and his fiancee.
  3. Denise Windey
    x Aimé Van Kerckhove
    Their son:
    • Danny (deceased)
  4. Charles Windey
    x Christiana Dhont
    The children of Charles and Christiana:
    • Koen Windey
    • Geert Windey

The parents of Petrus Leonardus:
Charles Louis Windey and Emerentia Maria van Leeuwe

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