Deze blz in het NL

The NOE family from the Meetjesland in East-Flanders, Belgium

Wedding photograph
Georgine Vandevelde and Gerard Noë

1. Oscar Cornille, husband of Paula Vandevelde (37) 2. Estelle Noë, sister of the bridegroom 3. Irma De Bock, mother of the bridegroom 4. Cyriel Vandevelde, husband of Alice Broucke (21), father of the bride 5. The bridegroom 6. The bride 7. Ghislaine Vandevelde, sister of the bride, widow of Maurice Cornille 8. Isidoor Broucke, father of Alice Broucke (21) 9. Denise Vandevelde, youngest sister of the bride, married to Victor Beguin, Groot Noordhof, Ramskapelle 10. Ghislaine Fosseprez, daughter of Auguste Fosseprez (36) and Irma Broucke (39), niece of the bride 11. Marie-Josée Van Ooteghem, school friend of the bride (Ghent). 12. Margot (Marguerite) Broucke, spouse of Hector Vanden Broucke 13. Seraphien Ryckaert, widower of Marie-Coralie Noë since 20/7/1920 14. Maria De Bock, sister of Irma De Bock (3), spouse of Gilbert De Jonghe (23) 15. Maurice Broucke, son of Isidoor Broucke (8), brother of Alice Broucke(21), husband of Marie Beguin (34) 16. Marie Broucke, sister of Alice Broucke (21), Maurice Broucke (15) and Madeleine Broucke (47), not married. 17. Marie-Josée De Jonghe, daughter of Maria De Bock (14) and Gilbert De Jonghe (23) 18. André Vandevelde, brother of the bride, married to Alice Kerckhof, Rode Poort at Sint-Joris-Nieuwpoort 19. Emiel Noë, father of the bridegroom 20. Julia Verschuere, spouse of Jules Vandevelde (50) 21. Alice Broucke, mother of the bride, daughter of Isidoor Broucke (8) 22. René Vandevelde, brother of the bride 23. Gilbert De Jonghe, married to Maria De Bock (14) 24. Edmond De Bock (Watervliet), brother of Irma (3), husband of Gabrielle Schelstraete 25. Camiel Vandevelde, son of Richard Vandevelde (44), cousin of the bride 26. Marietje of the baker, friend of the bride 27. Irma Van Damme, spouse of Georges Broucke, brother of Alice (21) 28. Rachel Loncke, second spouse of Cyriel De Vloo (38) 29. Rachel Broucke, daughter of Irma Van Damme (27) and Georges Broucke 30. Remi Ryckaert, son of Seraphien and Maria-Coralia Noë 31. Marie-Madeleine Vandevelde, sister of the bride, spouse of Cyriel Cornille, Ramskapelle 32. Agnès Noë, sister of the bridegroom, married Willem Van Herreweghe in 1941 33. Arthur De Bock, brother of Irma (3), Assenede 34. Marie Beguin, spouse of Maurice Broucke (15), Ramskapelle 35. Hector Vande Broucke, husband of Margot Broucke (28) 36. Auguste Fosseprez, married to Irma Broucke (39), sister of Alice (21) 37. Paula Vandevelde, sister of the bride, spouse of Oscar Cornille (1) 38. Cyriel De Vloo, vet at Veurne, brother-in-law of Cyriel Vandevelde (4) 39. Irma Broucke, spouse of Auguste Fosseprez (36) 40. Roger Vandevelde, brother of the bride, married to Marie George 41. Madeleine Vandevelde, daughter of Richard (44) 42. Albert De Vloo, son of Cyriel De Vloo and Lucie Vandevelde, cousin of the bride, vet in Veurne, married to Agnes Ameloot (Veurne). 
    Lucie was the sister of Cyriel (4) 43. Marie Margueritte (Maggy) Vandevelde, sister of the bride, married to Fernand Algoet (Machelen) 44. Richard Vandevelde, brother of Cyriel (4) and Jules (50), (Zuienkerke) 45. Ernest Van Hulze (Bentille) 46. René Gheysen, married to Madeleine Broucke (47), sister of Alice (21), Berchem-Oudenaarde 47. Madeleine Broucke, sister of Alice Broucke (21), married to René Gheysen (46) 48. Suzanne Broucke, daughter of Irma Van Damme (27) and Georges Broucke 49. Maurice Noë, brother of the bridegroom, married Marie Van Damme in 1945 (St.-Margriete) 50. Jules Vandevelde, brother of Cyriel (4) and Richard (44), married to Julia Verschuere (20), medical doctor (Esen, Diksmuide) 51. Antoinette De Jonghe, daughter of Maria De Bock (14) and Gilbert De Jonghe (23), spouse of Antoon Van Acker (Lokeren) 52. Richard Vandevelde, brother of the bride (Zuienkerke) 53. Laura Vande Broucke, daughter of Hector Vande Broucke (35), married to Gerard Sabbe (Kuurne) 54. Maurice De Bock Click here for a larger copy of this picture.
Click in the upper left hand corner of the image below to see a larger copy of it.   If you let your cursor come to rest on someone's head a name should appear if we know it.
Wedding photograph of Georgine and Gerard
This picture was made by "A. Watteyne-De Laey, Knocke".
We are most grateful to Mr. Hubert De Bock from Watervliet for this picture and for his help with the identification of some of the persons shown here.
Many thanks also to Mr. Michel Noë (Aalter), Mrs. Marie-Andrée Noë (Zuienkerke), Mrs. Fritz Ryckaert née Nadine De Brabandere (Knokke),
Mrs. Marie-Christine Vandevelde (St.-Denijs-Westrem) and Mrs. Ghislaine Vandevelde (7 in the picture above) (New Zealand)
who also helped with the identification.
Thanks to them we now (10 July 2011) have the names of the 54 guests in this superb picture.
Was Ghislaine Vandevelde (7) the last survivor of them all until she left us on 20 August 2016 ?
If your cursor comes to rest on a face, the name of that person should appear.

We know other pictures were made on this occasion.  Wouldn't it be really great if we could publish one or two of them here.
Contact us please !

We have here a bigger version and an almost poster size version of this picture.
Just the bride and groom on their wedding day
A page for the Vandevelde family and others present at the wedding feast

About Emiel Noë (C VIII c) and Irma De Bock

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