The publication of the wedding picture of Georgine Vandevelde (6) and Gerard Noë (5)—"the photo"—invited a lot of responses and we thought it would do no harm to dwell here on this website (dedicated to the Noë family) on the relatives of the bride and on some of the others present at the wedding.
Ancestor Michael Vandevelde, born in 1721 in Booitshoeke, near Veurne, moved to the farm called "De Roode Poorte" (The Red Gate) when in 1748 he married Godelieve Victoria Provoost, the widow of the farmer of De Roode Poorte in St.-Joris-aan-den-IJzer. Who has more information on his ancestors, on his children and grandchildren ?
May we remind you "the photo" was made in Knocke on 13 July 1935 for the wedding of Georgine Vandevelde (6) and Gerard Noë (5).
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Click here or on this part of "the photo" to open a much larger version of the whole photo in a new window. |
Where we mention here on this page the name of a person present at the wedding this name
is followed by the number attributed to this person in "the photo".
Isidoor Broucke (8) ( ° Schore 29/9/1856 - † Ramskapelle-aan-de-IJzer 25/2/1943) and Maria Ludovica Aernoudt ( ° Moere 4/2/1857 - † Ramskapelle 16/11/1923) had 9 children:
Cyriel Vandevelde (4) and Alice Broucke (21) had 10 children:
Here follow in alphabetical order all those shown in "the photo"
who could be identified.
With a short explanation or a link to such an explanation.
Beguin, Marie (34),
wife of Maurice Broucke (15), Ramskapelle.
Beguin, Victor Joseph Ghislain
° Ohey 25/4/1924 - † Ostend 30/10/2015
echtgenoot van Denise Vandevelde (9)
Broucke, Alice (21),
daughter of Isidoor Broucke (8), mother of Georgine Vandevelde (6).
Broucke, Irma (39),
sister of Alice (21), married to Auguste Fosseprez (36).
Irma died in Lierneux on 31/5/1965.
Broucke, Isidoor (8),
° Schore 29/9/1856, married to Maria Ludovica Aernoudt
who was born in Moere on 4/2/1857.
Isidoor was the father of Maurice, Madeleine, Irma, Margaux, Marie and Alice Broucke (21).
Broucke, Madeleine (47),
wife of René Gheysen. They had 3 daughters: Annie, Marie-Paule and Marie-Andrée.
Marie-Andrée died in 2007.
Broucke, Marguerite Marie (Margaux) (12),
wife of Hector Vanden Broucke ° 1890 - 1972.
They lived in Sleihage (Hooglede).
Broucke, Marie (16),
sister of Alice Broucke (21), single (Nieuwpoort).
Broucke, Maurice (15),
son of Isidoor Broucke (8), husband of Marie Beguin (34).
Broucke, Rachel (29),
daughter of Georges Broucke and Irma Van Damme (27).
Broucke, Suzanne (48),
daughter of Georges Broucke and Irma Van Damme (27) (Budel).
Cornille, Oscar (1),
husband of Paula Vandevelde (37).
De Bock, Arthur (33),
brother of Irma De Bock (3) (Assenede).
De Bock, Edmond (24),
brother of Irma De Bock (3), husband of Gabrielle
De Bock, Irma (3),
wife of Emiel Noë, mother of Gerard, Agnès,
Maurice and Estelle.
De Bock, Maria (14),
Irma's (3) sister, wife of Gilbert De Jonghe (23).
De Bock, Maurice (54)
brother of Irma (3).
De Jonghe, Antoinette (51),
daughter of Gilbert De Jonghe (23) and Maria
De Bock (14) (Lokeren).
De Jonghe, Gilbert (23),
husband of Maria De Bock (14).
De Jonghe, Marie-Josée (17),
daughter of Gilbert De Jonghe (23) and
Maria De Bock (14).
De Vloo, Albert (42),
son of Cyriel De Vloo (38) and Lucie Vandevelde,
husband of Agnes Ameloot (Veurne).
De Vloo, Cyriel (38),
first married to Lucie Vandevelde and remarried to
Rachel Loncke (28). He was a veterinary surgeon.
Fosseprez, August (36),
husband of Irma Broucke (39),
Alice's (21) sister. August was the family doctor of Lierneux (between
Vielsalm, Baraque de Fraiture and Werbomont in the province of Luxemburg).
Fosseprez, Ghislaine (10),
daughter of August Fosseprez (36) and Irma
Broucke (39).
Gheysen, René (46),
husband of Madeleine Broucke (47)
Loncke, Rachel (28),
second wife of Cyriel de Vloo (38).
Noë, Agnes (32),
daughter of Emiel Noë (19) and Irma De Bock (3), one of the sisters of Gerard (5),
Estelle (2) and Maurice (49).
In 1941 she married Willem Van Herreweghe.
Noë, Emiel (19),
husband of Irma De Bock (3), father of the groom.
Noë, Estelle (2),
daughter of Emiel Noë (19) and Irma De Bock (3), one of the sisters of Gerard (5),
Agnès (32) and Maurice (49).
Noë, Gerard (5),
fs. Emiel Noë (19) and Irma De Bock (3), brother of Estelle (2), Agnès (32) and Maurice (49).
Noë, Maurce (49),
son of Emiel Noë (19) and Irma De Bock (3), brother of Estelle (2), Agnès (32) and Gerard (5).
In 1945 Maurice married
Marie Elisabeth Van Damme,
no relation to Irma Van Damme (27).
Ryckaert, Remi (30),
one of the 9 sons of Marie-Coralie Noë and
Seraphien Ryckaert
(13). Marie-Coralie was Emiel's (19) eldest sister. She passed away in 1920.
Ryckaert, Seraphien (13),
widower since 1920 of Marie-Coralie Noë.
Van Damme, Irma (27),
wife of George Broucke. Georges was Alice's (21) brother.
Vanden Broucke, Hector (35),
husband of Margaux Broucke (12).
Vanden Broucke, Laura (53),
daughter of Hector Vandenbroucke (35), married to
Gerard Sabbe, flax farmer (Kuurne).
Vandevelde, André (18),
husband of Alice Kerckhof (St-Joris-aan-de-IJzer, Nieuwpoort).
Vandevelde, Camiel (25),
fs. Richard Vandevelde (44) and Clemence Dekeyser.
Vandevelde Cyriel (4),
husband of Alice Broucke (21), Georgine's (6) father.
Vandevelde, Denise (9),
daughter of Cyriel Vandevelde (4) and Alice Broucke
(21), youngest sister of the bride. She was born in Knokke on 12/9/1924.
She was married in Sint-Joris-aan-de-IJzer to Victor Joseph Ghislain Beguin
who was born in Ohey on 25/4/1924. They farmed the "Groot Noordhof"
(Great Farm of the North) in Ramskapelle-aan-de-IJzer where they lived up to 13/3/2012
when Denise passed away there.
They have three sons.
Vandevelde Georgine (6),
daughter of Cyriel Vandevelde (4) and Alice Broucke
(21), the bride in "the photo".
Vandevelde, Ghislaine (7),
daughter of Cyriel Vandevelde (4) and Alice Broucke
(21), wife of Maurits Cornille (New Zealand).
Vandevelde, Jules (50),
married to Julia Verschuere (20), family doctor (Esen, Diksmuide).
Vandevelde, Madeleine (31),
sister of the bride, wife of Cyriel Cornille (Ramskapelle).
Vandevelde, Madeleine (41),
daughter of Richard Vandevelde and Clemence De Keyzer.
Vandevelde, Marguerite (43),
wife of Fernand Algoet (Machelen).
Vandevelde, Paula (37),
one of Georgine's (6) sisters. Paula was the
wife of Oscar Cornille (1).
Vandevelde, René (22),
brother of the bride, unmarried.
Vandevelde, Richard-Pieter (44),
° St-Joris-aan-de-IJzer 10/7/1872 - † Zuienkerke 19/1/1948,
brother of Cyriel Vandevelde (4). Richard was married to Clemencia Dekeyser
( ° Leffinge 28/11/1868 - † Zuienkerke 7/2/1935) (Zuienkerke).
Vandevelde, Richard (52),
husband of Maria Van Damme (27) (Zuienkerke).
Vandevelde, Roger (40),
a brother of the bride, ( ° St-Joris-aan-de-IJzer
10/2/1909 - † Roeselare 14/9/1991)
He was married to Maria George. She was born in Veurne on 26/5/1920 and died there on 15/12/2000.
They had seven sons and four daughters. (De Moeren).
Van Hulse, Ernest (45) (Bentille).
Van Ooteghem, Marie-Josée (11),
school friend of the bride (Ghent).
Verschuere, Julia (20),
wife of Jules Vandevelde (50).
Many thanks to Mrs. Marie-Christine Vandevelde for all the help she gave us,
especially the details about births, weddings and deaths
of the Broucke and Vandevelde families.
Thanks also to Elisabeth Cornille for details about Denise Vandevelde.
Alice Broucke and Cyriel Vandevelde with their children
A picture of Georgine Vandevelde and Gerard Noë on their wedding day
All about Emiel Noë (C VIII c)
and Irma De Bock
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Adrianus (B IIIa)
Agnes Margarita
Amelie, fa Ferdinand
Antonius Franciscus (B Va2)
Arthur Aloysius (B VIIId1)
August (C VIIb)
August (C VIIIa)
fs Francies (B VIIb)
Bernardus Aloysius (B VIIIe)
Carolus Ludovicus
Dominicus (B VIIId2)
Edward (B VIIIa)
Emiel (C VIIIc)
Emiel Stefaan (B IXa)
Ferdinand (B VIc)
Ferdinand (B VIIc)
Francies (B VIIb)
Franciscus Marianus (A V)
Franciscus Antonius (B Va4)
Franciscus (C V)
Franciscus (D II)
Ivo Franciscus (C VIIa)
fs Matthias (B IIb)
Hendrik (D I)
Henri (C VIIIb)
Henricus (D III)
fs Ferdinand (B VIc)
Jacobus Bernardus (B Vb)
Jan (A I)
Jan (A II)
Joannes (B IIIc)
Joannes (C II)
Joannes (C III)
Joannes Franciscus (A IV)
Joannes (B VIIe)
Josephina Benedicta
Judocus (B II)
Judocus (B IVb)
Jacobus (C IV)
Judocus (C V2)
Livinusfs Hendrik
Louisa Coleta
Martina Emiel (B IXa)
Martinus (B Va3)
Martinus, fs Adrianus
Matthias (B I)
Matthias (B IIb)
Petrus (A III)
Petrus (B IIIb)
Petrus (B IVa)
Petrus (B VIIa)
Petrus (B VIId)
Petrus (C I)
Petrus (D IV)
Petrus Emmanuel (B Va1)
Petrus Joannes (B VIa)
Petrus Joannes (C VI)
Petrus (B VIb)
fa Petrus (B VIId)