De familie Van Damme afkomstig van Kaprijke in het Meetjesland

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Louis Van Damme

fs. Petrus Joannes Van Damme (V a) and Joanna Seraphina Van Hooteghem

° Eeklo 7/2/1842
x Adegem 20/7/1883 Clemencia Rammelaere
† 25/6/1897

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Birth certificate of Louis Van Damme

Birth certificate of Louis Van Damme

Clemence was the daughter of Ferdinand and Sophia Martens.  She was born in Maldegem on 27/6/1858.  She passed away in Eeklo on 28/2/1912.

After the demise of Louis Clemence remarried in Eeklo on 5/5/1898 with farmer Ivo Hermie (° Adegem 1/2/1868), son of Petrus Hermie and Ludovica Van Hyfte.  And after the death of Clemence in 1912 Ivo maaried yet again on 15/4/1913 in St.-Laureins.  His new bride was Barbara Herrebout, daughter of Henri Herrebout and Rosalie Zeghers.  Barbara was born in Maldegem on 21/7/1873.  And on 24 January 1914 they became the happy parents of a daughter.  She was born in Eeklo and was baptized and received the name of Hendrika but she passed away on 10 June 1914, the day when her two stepbrothers left for America.

The children of Clemence and Louis:

  1. Augustus Josephus Van Damme
    ° Eeklo 22/8/1884
    He was a farm labourer according to the military registers, 1.777 meters (5.8 foot) tall.  He drew the number 18 in the 1904 military lottery which for him certainly meant a convocation to the join the army.  His parents paied 200 franks into the coffres of the War Department and the result was that Augustus was definitively sent on leave on 1/10/1904.
    On 19/8/1908 he left for Kewanee, Illinois, USA.
    What here now follows about August Jozef who in the USA was called Joseph or Joe and about his ancestors comes from the website of Mr. Ron Hautekeete and from obituaries published in American newspapers:
    Joseph Van Damme passed away in January 1967 in Geneseo, Henry Co, Illinois.  He was married in Belgium in September 1907 to Rachel Hautekeete.  Rachel was born in Eeklo on 14 December 1891, the daughter of Camiel Hautekeete and Rosela (Rosalie ?) Van Der Schueren.
    The children of Augustus/Joseph/Joe and Rosela/Rosalie:
    • Margaret Van Damme
      ° Kewanee, Illinois, 25/4/1909
      † November 1984, Kewanee, Illinois.
    • Anne Van Damme
    • Louis Van Damme
      ° Kewanee, Henry Co, Illinois 15/2/1915
      Passed away in Kewanee in December 1976.
    • Arthur A. Van Damme
      ° Kewanee, Henry Co, Illinois, 16/3/1918
      † Erie, Whiteside, Illinois, 2/9/1994.
  2. Maria Seraphina Van Damme
    ° Eeklo 21/3/1886
    She was married in Eeklo on 8/2/1911 to Camillus Augustus Van Hulle.  They then went to live in Zomergem, Nekke 19.  On 18/1/1902 she had given birth to a daughter Celina Maria whom they recognized as their child on their wedding day.
  3. Edmond Van Damme
    ° Eeklo 11/8/1887
    Left for Kewanee, Illinois on 10/6/1914.
  4. Alfons Van Damme
    ° Eeklo 13/1/1889
    † Eeklo 22/4/1891 (cause of death: bronchitis)
  5. Clementina Ursula Van Damme
    ° Eeklo 25/12/1890
    x Eeklo 10/2/1914 Daniel Marie Joseph Deraedt.
    They went to live in the Kasteelstraat (Castle Road) in Assenede.
  6. Romanie Nathalie Van Damme
    ° Eeklo 1/4/1892
    She left on 25/3/1913 for the Haagstraat (Hedge Road) in Zomergem.
    She married Raymond Van De Velde (1887-1933) and they had 1 daughter and 4 sons.
    She died on 13/9/1984 in rest home "Ons Zomerheem" in Zomergem.
  7. Helena Marie Louise Van Damme
    ° Eeklo 2/3/1894
    On 2/3/1913 she was married in Eeklo to Theophiel Van De Genachte and moved to the Kerkstraat (Church Road) in Eeklo and later in Maldegem.
    Helena died in the Eisabeth Hospital in Sijsele on 16/9/1986.  She was burried with a religious service in the Saint-Barbara Church of Maldegem.  They had 2 daughters.
  8. Alfons Joseph Van Damme
    ° Eeklo 13/11/1896.
    He left together with his older brother Edmond for Kewanee, Illinois on 10/6/1914 but on 4/8/1927 he came to live in the Kloefkapperstraat (Clogmakers Road) 44 in Zomergem.  He refused to do his military service and was by decree of the governor of 10/6/1915, registered on 14/7/1915 as a conscientious objector.  By order of the minister of the army and of public health, he was removed from that list on 15/1/1926 and transferred directly to the 1927 draft.
    He was married on 4/11/1927 in Eeklo to farmer Maria Margareta Hermie (° Eeklo 7/6/1909).  She was from Zandvleuge, the daughter of Petrus Bernardus and Elodie Marie Dhaenens.
    Alphons was a carpenter's apprentice.
    Maria died in Eeklo on 18/10/1980.

The parents of:
Petrus Joannes Van Damme (V a) and Joanna Seraphina Van Hooteghem

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Algemeen Overzicht

? van Damme (I)

Adriaan (II a)
Andreas (V e)
Andries (VII c)
Anthonius (II b)
Arnold (X f)
Augustus Maria (IX c)

Bruno (VIII b)
Carolus (VIII d)
Carolus Joannes (VIII)
Carolus Ludovicus
Carolus Petrus (IX a)
Charles (X a)
Cornelis (VI d)

Daniël (V d)
Daniël (X g)
Daneel (III c)

Ferdinand (VII)
Franciscus (IV)
Francis Bernard (VI)

Georges (X d)
Herman (X c)
Ivo (VII b)

Joannes (III a)
Joannes Baptist (V)
Joannes Joseph (IX b)
Josephus (VIII e)
Judocus (VI e)
Julien Joseph
Karel Francies (IX f)

Levinus (V f)
Levinus (VII d)
Lieven (IV b)
Livinus (III b)
Livinus (V b)

Livinus (VI c)

Omer (X b)
Petrus (IX h)
Petrus Bernardus (° 1782)
Petrus Bernardus
Petrus Henricus (VI b)
Petrus Joannes (V a)
Raoul (X e)
Richard Adolf
Rose Anne

Theophil Petrus (IX d)
Urbanus Karel (IX g)


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