fs. Carolus Van Damme
& Joanna Maria Standaert
° Kaprijke 25/9/1797
x Kaprijke 1/9/1823
Maria Catharina Claeys
xx St.-Laureins 23/8/1833
Joanna Seraphina Van Hooteghem
† Eeklo 18/5/1880
The first spouse of Petrus Joannes, Maria Catharina Claeys was
born in Kaprijke on 4 September 1800.
In 1830 the address of this couple was listed in the population registers as
Balgerhoekstraat,124 with two farm-hands and two maids; in 1846 their address
was Balgerhoekstraat, 159 and in 1866 it was Balgerhoekstraat,31.
Petrus Joannes didn't go looking very far for his bride. In the figure below we
show the double relationship: his grandmothers were the sisters of her grandfathers.
Maria Catharina died in Eeklo on 23/5/1831 and Petrus remarried in St.-Laureins on 23/8/1833 with Joanna Seraphina Van Hooteghem who was born there on 11/2/1810 the daughter of Joannes Franciscus Van Hooteghem and Carolina De Jaeger. She gave her husband 10 children and lived into her 90s. Petrus died in Eeklo on 18 May 1880 at 11:30 PM and as cause of death they recorded old age and "uitgeleefdheid " which literally means "spent, burned out". His widow died in Eeklo on 4/3/1902.
The children from his first marriage to Maria Catharina Claeys:
The children from his second marriage to Joanna Seraphina Van Hooteghem:
Our heartfelt thanks to the good people of the «Levensboom» (Tree of Life) for
publishing an article «The Van Hootegem / Van Ooteg(h)em family from St.-Laureins
in the Meetjesland in Belgium», #1, 20th year, 2007.
The authors are Jozef Dobbelaere and Aloïs van den Oever.
The Levensboom is the periodical of the "Vlaamse Vereniging voor
Familiekunde", (Flemish Genealogy Association) Section Meetjesland.
This publication in the
Levensboom gives us plenty of information about the ancestors of
Joanna Seraphina Van Hooteghem.
Onze Van Damme Welkom-blz
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Algemeen Overzicht
? van Damme (I)
Adriaan (II a)
Andreas (V e)
Andries (VII c)
Anthonius (II b)
Arnold (X f)
Augustus Maria (IX c)
Bruno (VIII b)
Carolus (VIII d)
Carolus Joannes (VIII)
Carolus Ludovicus
Carolus Petrus (IX a)
Charles (X a)
Cornelis (VI d)
Daniël (V d)
Daniël (X g)
Daneel (III c)
Ferdinand (VII)
Franciscus (IV)
Francis Bernard (VI)
Georges (X d)
Herman (X c)
Ivo (VII b)
Joannes (III a)
Joannes Baptist (V)
Joannes Joseph (IX b)
Josephus (VIII e)
Judocus (VI e)
Julien Joseph
Karel Francies (IX f)
Levinus (V f)
Levinus (VII d)
Lieven (IV b)
Livinus (III b)
Livinus (V b)
Livinus (VI c)
Omer (X b)
Petrus (IX h)
Petrus Bernardus (° 1782)
Petrus Bernardus
Petrus Henricus (VI b)
Petrus Joannes (V a)
Raoul (X e)
Richard Adolf
Rose Anne
Theophil Petrus (IX d)
Urbanus Karel (IX g)
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