The Van Damme family from Kaprijke in the Meetjesland in Belgium

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Petrus Bernardus Van Damme

fs. Petrus Joannes Van Damme (V a) and Joanna Seraphina Van Hooteghem

° Eeklo 11/10/1838
x Eeklo 4/7/1867 Amelia De Bruycker
Sint Laureins 22/2/1878

Petrus was a farmer.  He was called up for service in the army in 1858.  Whether he had to actually serve depended on the result of a lottery.  He drew 41, an unlucky number and he was found suitable for military service.  Worker Joannes Francies Masco, son of Charles François Masco and Eugenie De Vreese, was payed to replace him and on 4/5/1858 he was incorporated in the 2nd line regiment.

Petrus's wife Amelie was born in Eeklo on 28 April 1839.  She was the daughter of Guillelmus De Bruycker and Sophia De Vuldere.

The family left St-Laureins for Eeklo and there on 17/2/1839 Amelie passed away.

Their children:

  1. Leonie Van Damme
    ° Eeklo 12/5/1868
    On 1/6/1916 she moved to Molenstraat 43 (Mill Road) where she enjoyed her retirement.
  2. Petrus Bernardus Van Damme
    ° Sint Laureins 6/9/1869
    Het moved on 5/2/1914 together with his youngest brother Jan Baptist to the Kockuytstraat in Sint-Laureins.
  3. Jacobus Bernardus Van Damme
    ° Sint Laureins 28/12/1870
    On 22/12/1910 he moved to Sint-Laureins.
  4. Marie Louise Van Damme
    ° Sint Laureins 17/10/1872
    She died in the hospital in the Ankerstraat in Sint-Niklaas on 21/7/1891. St Niklaas in East-Flanders is the capital of the "Waasland" situated to the south and east of the Meetjesland.
  5. Emelie Marie Van Damme
    ° Sint Laureins 20/5/1874
    On 8/10/1904 she left Eeklo to go and live in Sint-Laureins.  She died there, not married, on 27/11/1937.
  6. Alois Bernard Van Damme
    ° Sint Laureins 20/6/1875
    x Maldegem 30/10/1912 Nathalie Maria Dalle (° Maldegem 8/5/1872).
    She was the daughter of farmer Petrus Dalle and Amelia De Clerck.  She went to live in Maldegem.
    After the demise of Nathalie he was married to Zulma De Couvreur,who passed away in St-Laureins on 1/9/1997.  Aloïs died in Sint-Laureins on 16/7/1962.
    Aloïs and Nathalie had a daughter Marleen, who was married to Frans Bauwens (° Adegem 15/7/1945 - † Maldegem 16/2/2013).

  8. August Clement Van Damme
    ° Sint Laureins 20/6/1875
    x Eeklo 26/4/1906 Clementina Rosalie Lippens
  9. Jan Baptiste Van Damme
    ° Sint Laureins 10/3/1878.
    As we said above, on 5/2/1914 he moved together with his eldest brother Petrus Bernardus to the Kockuytstraat in Sint-Laureins.

About Petrus Joannes Van Damme (V a)

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Algemeen Overzicht

? van Damme (I)

Adriaan (II a)
Andreas (V e)
Andries (VII c)
Anthonius (II b)
Arnold (X f)
Augustus Maria (IX c)

Bruno (VIII b)
Carolus (VIII d)
Carolus Joannes (VIII)
Carolus Ludovicus
Carolus Petrus (IX a)
Charles (X a)
Cornelis (VI d)

Daniël (V d)
Daniël (X g)
Daneel (III c)

Ferdinand (VII)
Franciscus (IV)
Francis Bernard (VI)

Georges (X d)
Herman (X c)
Ivo (VII b)

Joannes (III a)
Joannes Baptist (V)
Joannes Joseph (IX b)
Josephus (VIII e)
Judocus (VI e)
Julien Joseph
Karel Francies (IX f)

Levinus (V f)
Levinus (VII d)
Lieven (IV b)
Livinus (III b)
Livinus (V b)

Livinus (VI c)

Omer (X b)
Petrus (IX h)
Petrus Bernardus (° 1782)
Petrus Bernardus
Petrus Henricus (VI b)
Petrus Joannes (V a)
Raoul (X e)
Richard Adolf
Rose Anne

Theophil Petrus (IX d)
Urbanus Karel (IX g)


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