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The NOE family from the Meetjesland in East-Flanders, Belgium

B II a     Judocus Noë

fs Matthias Noë and Marie Van Acker       brother of Georgius and Matthias (B II b)

° between 1645 and 1653
x 29/4/1673 Anna Beelaert
Lembeke 22/11/1695

We don't know the exact date of birth of Judocus because one of the birth registers of Eeklo has disappeared from the city archives.  He was no doubt born in Eeklo between 1645 and 1653.  His father was a shepherd who farmed on the Oostveld (Eastfield).  He lost his mother in 1663.

Judocus was married in Eeklo on 29 April 1673 to Anna Beelaert.  They first lived for a while in Oostwinkel but from 1680 on we find them in Lembeke.

Lembeke is a town that borders on Eeklo, and not far away from Eeklo's Eastfield.  Until 1626 it was part of the "Free City of Eeklo".  When Judocus and his family arrived in Lembeke things were far from perfect.  In 1678, because of the rioting, they hadn't even preached the Passion Sermons: the great majority of the population had fled because of the sacking and looting by the French soldiers.

Around 1680 things were more or less back to normal : the bells tolled, the procession went out and the Brothers "Recoletten" of Eeklo came to preach the Passion Sermons. But in 1683 the French were once again on the loose and they did a lot of damage to the town and its church.  Duke d'Humières who in our regions was in charge of the military operations for King Louis XIV, proudly told everyone who would listen of how he burned to the ground "the most beautiful towns anyone ever saw in this world".

The hostilities between Spain (who had been ruling our regions for about a century) and France then calmed down a little but Spain didn't have enough money or didn't want to spend enough money to organise a strong defense and so irruptions of French troops couldn't be stopped and even after the Peace of Regensburg (1684) our people had to endure for many more years the looting and quartering of troops.

Anna gave birth to 7 children.  She died in Lembeke on 15/11/1693 and Judocus himself was buried two years later with the lowliest religious service.  Judocus' brother Matthijs and Anna's brother Pieter were the guardians of the 5 orphans.  But Matthijs died shortly after his brother and he was replaced as guardian by his brother-in-law Judocus Basselaer.

In 1693 they had bought a farmstead with 11.5 acres of land from the widow of Joannes Lambrecht.  It was situated in the Warande quarter of Lembeke to the south of the Ledestraat.  They also rented land from Cornelius De Coorebijter from Kaprijke, from Gabriel Dhaenens, Michiel De Wulf and Squire Philips Van Urssel.  The latter was even the godfather of their penultimate child and his wife was the godmother of their last child. The Van Urssel family was also the owner of the farm of Judocus' father in Eeklo.

His livestock was not very large: a horse, 2 cows, an ox, a pig, a few chickens and a rooster. Judocus also had a maid, Tanneken De Naeyer to whom on his death his estate still owed 4 pounds.  It also owed 2 pounds and 9 shillings to his sister-in-law Cathelijne Cromheecke for taking care of one of his orphans.

Judocus had also been ill for a while and Master Huybrecht Van Waesberghe wanted 6 shillings for medicines he had delivered.  Judocus' estate reckonings closed on a positive balance of 57-15-3 pounds.

Their children:

  1. Matthias Noë
    ° Oostwinkel 8/8/1674
    † Oostwinkel 10/9/1676
  2. Petrus Noë
    ° 22/7/1677
    † before June 1691
  3. Jacobus Noë
    ° Lembeke 13/1/1680
  4. Livina Noë
    ° Lembeke 11/2/1683
    x Zomergem 25/8/1710 Judocus Roets
    † Lovendegem 9/11/1772
  5. Adrianus Noë (B III a)
    ° Lembeke 26/11/1685
    x around 1711 Ludovica Roets
    xx Lovendegem 26/8/1735 Petronella Verbanck
    xxx Zomergem 3/5/1751 Anne Marie Denaegel
    † Lovendegem 11/1/1758
  6. Joannes Philippus Noë
    ° Lembeke 17/9/1688
    † ?
  7. Petrus Noë
    ° Lembeke 20/6/1691
    † ?

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Adrianus (B IIIa)
Agnes Margarita
Amelie, fa Ferdinand
Antonius Franciscus (B Va2)
Arthur Aloysius (B VIIId1)
August (C VIIb)
August (C VIIIa)
August, fs Francies (B VIIb)
Bernardus Aloysius (B VIIIe)
Carolus Ludovicus
Dominicus (B VIIId2)
Edward (B VIIIa)
Emiel (C VIIIc)
Emiel Stefaan (B IXa)
Ferdinand (B VIc)
Ferdinand (B VIIc)
Francies (B VIIb)
Franciscus Marianus (A V)
Franciscus Antonius (B Va4)
Franciscus (C V)
Franciscus (D II)
Ivo Franciscus (C VIIa)
Georgius, fs Matthias (B IIb)
Hendrik (D I)
Henri (C VIIIb)
Henricus (D III)
Jacobus, fs Ferdinand (B VIc)
Jacobus Bernardus (B Vb)
Jan (A I)
Jan (A II)
Joannes (B IIIc)
Joannes (C II)
Joannes (C III)
Joannes Franciscus (A IV)
Joannes (B VIIe)
Josephina Benedicta
Judocus (B II)
Judocus (B IVb)
Jacobus (C IV)
Judocus (C V2)
Livinusfs Hendrik
Louisa Coleta
Martina Emiel (B IXa)
Martinus (B Va3)
Martinus, fs Adrianus
Matthias (B I)
Matthias (B IIb)
Petrus (A III)
Petrus (B IIIb)
Petrus (B IVa)
Petrus (B VIIa)
Petrus (B VIId)
Petrus (C I)
Petrus (D IV)
Petrus Emmanuel (B Va1)
Petrus Joannes (B VIa)
Petrus Joannes (C VI)
Petrus (B VIb)
Rosalie fa Petrus (B VIId)