Deze blz in het NL

The NOE family from the Meetjesland in East-Flanders, Belgium

C VI     Petrus Joannes Noë

fs Franciscus and Petronella Wauters

° Assenede 2/2/1786
x Assenede 11/9/1815 Monica De Craene
† Assenede 5/3/1868

He was born at about 17:30 hrs in the evening and baptized the next day in the presence of his godfather Judocus Noë and his godmother Marie Catharina Wauters.

His bride was born in Assenede on 4/7/1792, the daughter of Franciscus Carolus De Craene and Livina Cornelia Lybaert.

Here is the marriage act... in French, which no doubt almost none present at the occasion could understand:
"L'an dix huit cent quinze, le onze septembre à neuf heures du Matin pardevant nous Ange Boniface De Vriendt, maire officier public de l'Etat civil de la commune d'Assenede, canton du même nom, departement de l'Escaut, sont comparus les sieurs Pierre Jean Noé, laboureur, âgé de 29 ans, né et domicilié à Assenede, majeur fils de francois Noé, laboureur au dit Assenede, ci-présent et consentant, et de petronille Thérèse Wauters, célibatair et futur époux d'une part, et monique De Craene, fileuse, agée de vingt trois ans, née et domiciliée à Assenede, majeure fille de francois De Craene laboureur à Assenede ci-présent et consentant, et de feu Livine Lybaert, célibataire future épouse d'autre part, les quels nous ont requis de procéder à la célébration du mariage projecté entre eux et dont les publications ont été faites, aux termes de la loi, en cette commune, les dimanches vingt sept aout dernier et trois du courant chaque fois à l'heure du midi, nulle opposition au dit marriage ne nous ayant été signifiée faisant droit à leur requisition après avoir donné lecture de toutes pièces civiques, mentionné et chapitre six titre cinq du code civil, nous avons demandé au futur époux et à la future epouse s'ils veulent se prendre pour mari et pour femme, chacun d'eux ayant répondu separement et affirmativement déclarons, au nom de la loi que les sieurs dit Pierre Jean Noé et Monique De Craene, sont unis au mariage de quoi nous avons presente acte en presence des sieurs Pierre Weghe, geolier de la maison de depôt, agé de 44 ans, Joseph Pussemier, garde champêtre, agé de 33 ans, Louis Cools garde champêtre, agé de 25 ans et Charles Joseph Van Peene, secretaire du Maire, 27 ans, tous quatre habitans de cette commune, témoins à ce requis qui ont signé avec nous, les epoux et leurs pères après lecture faite du present acte date que dessus."

When Petrus Joannes married he didn't move out with his bride.  They remained on the farm in the Fonteyne quarter in Assenede which they exploited together with his parents.  But two years later his father had already died and his surviving children received their inheritance.  Some land and two houses were sold and in 1820 Petrus Joannes was fully independent and in charge of the parental farm.

When the United Kingdom of the Netherlands came into being in 1815 as a buffer-state between France and the German speaking world Willem I became its King.  That means he became also the King of our region and in fact of almost the  whole region which is now Belgium.  The first years of his reign were marked by a grave economic crisis because with the secession from France, that enormous French market was largely lost.

He overcame the first difficulties thanks to some fortuitous initiatives.  For instance in 1827 the "Sassche Canal" was extended to Terneuzen to turn the port of Ghent into a seaport.

He encouraged industrial initiatives and was one of the promoters of what was soon to become the "Société Générale".  With the start of the industrial revolution, some industrialists, merchants and investors became very wealthy but the great majority of the population lived in abject poverty.

King Willem I did a lot for the education of his people: he founded more than 4000 schools for elementary education which was free of charge. Dutch became the medium and the official language.

Like his predecessors he involved himself with religious matters which meant great protests from and enormous problems with the Catholic South.

When in July 1830 a revolution broke out in Paris for more freedom (of the press, association, religion...), this made a great impression in Belgium.  And barely two months later here also a revolution broke out.  On 4 October 1830 the Provisional Government declared the independence of Belgium.  On 21 July 1831 Leopold I was installed as the first King of Belgium.

But the Netherlands didn't take the loss of the south lying down.  For instance on 2 August 1831 a few hundred soldiers invaded Assenede.  The alarm bell rang, shots were fired but they were soon negotiating.  On 5 August the Dutch were back but this time they met with the resistance of two Belgian line regiments and they had to withdraw.  And peace was restored, only to be disturbed now and again by drunks and the like.

Sickness and epidemics took their toll, especially from the less well off who often lived in really miserable conditions.  For instance in 1863 there were in Assenede 43 victims of a smallpox epidemic, ten died of cholera in 1866 and 40 children died of smallpox in the Winter of 1869-70.

On 29/9/1826 Petrus Joannes signs a lease for land in Assenede in the Fonteyne hamlet and the Nicasiuspolder, approximately 3 hectares, property of Joseph Franciscus Acart from the Peperstraat (Pepperstreet) in Ghent for a period of 6 years from Xmas Eve 1826 for the sum of 133 guilders and 71 cents.

Two years he leases from Miss Marie Maes a farm in the "harinckshoexken" (Little Herring Corner) in Assenede. 37 rods and 12 yards with a piece of land of about 9 "bunder" near the "Meerstraetjen", also for a period of 6 years.  And here the rent was 252 Dutch guilders per annum.

In 1829 Pieter pays 1500 guilders for 2 houses which were the property of his sister Catharina and of Angelus Claeys who was the halfbrother of the mother of her deceased husband. They are the inn "De Coninginne of Hongariën" (the Queen of Hungary) and the house next door known at the land registry office under the numbers E 433, 438 and 439 which together measure 8 rods and 84 yards and are situated in the street leading to the pig-market.

Part of it he let to cartwright J. Baptiste Der Kinderen and the other part to baker Joahnnes Baptiste Van Den Bossche, both for 9 years.

In 1832 another of his sisters, Joanna Theresia Noë, married to shoemaker Pieter Joannes Martens, sells the property in the Fonteyne which they had bought in 1820 after the death of mama Noë.  And Pieter bought this for 3000 francs.

Perhaps he then had cash flow problems because in 1834 he sells the inn and the house next door in the center of Assenede.  On 27/12/1834 at the auction Pieter himself starts the sale of the small house to the west of the inn (registered under number E 439) with a bid of 1185 francs and on 30 December it was already sold to Pieter Francies Van Holle "... levende van zijne goederen..." (who lived of his goods) for the sum of 1678 francs.

The other part, namely the inn and the bakery, occupied by Baptist Derkinderen and Petrus' sister Catharina, was sold on 9 January 1835 to carpenter Josephus Borghgracht for 2500 francs.  The buyer was reminded of the fact that the occupants of the little house E 439 had a right of way through the gateway and the road to the east of the property on foot as well as with a cart and horses.

Josephus Borghgracht had saved some money to pay for this but he borrowed 1814 francs 5 cents and 90 "millimen" from Coleta, Petrus' youngest sister at 4,5%. This loan was completely paid off in 1852.

Jan Baptiste Derkinderen, who had been the lodger there for the last 9 years was not very happy when he received his marching orders. An act was drawn up by a notary public on 25/10/1835 to convince him to be gone from the premises by end May 1836.

These acts were... are replete with special idioms and many a special turn of phrase.  Here follows a sample (first in Old Dutch and then in English).  Its whole purpose is expressed in one long sentence which some of us might have to read twice or thrice in order to come to grips with it.

        "Voor J. Bernard Van Peene, openbaar notaris residerende in de gemeente Assenede, arrondissement van Gend, provincie Oostvlaenderen, ter presentie deser te noemen getuygen, is gecompareerd Sieur Jean Baptiste der Kinderen, wagenmaeker, woonende te Assenede, der welcken verklaerde dat bij voorwaerden gepasseerd voor mij notaris den 17 maerte 1829, hij in pachte heeft genomen van Sieur Pieter Noé, landman tot gemeente Assenede, eene wooning deelmaekende van een huys, onderhoorigheden en grond tot gemelde Assenede, staende en gelegen, alst aen eygendom van den zelven Noé nu toebehoorende aen Jan Josephus Borghgracht temmerman ook te Assenede voor eenen termijn van 9 jaeren met reserve echter van het wederzijds vermogen, door partijen om dezen pacht jaerlijks te eyndigen, mits elkanderen zes maenden voor den valdag verwittigende, en gemerkt de eygendomsverandering van gemelde huys, is de begeerte van Sieur Noé hier boven genoemd, dat den comparant der Kinderen op meyavond 1836 zijn voorgemelde wooning verlate, verbindende zich dan tengevolge sieur der Kinderen om op gemelde meyavond 1836 te verhuyzen en zijne wooning ruym en ijdel aen den tegenwoordigen eygenaar over te leveren om er over naer goeddunken te konnen beschikken op peine van expulsie door den eersten deurwaerder door wien ze behoort te requiseren.
        "Gedaen en gepasseerd in de gemeente Assenede ter presentie van Sieurs Francies De Paepe en Leo De Paepe, schoenmaekers beyden woonende te Assenede, getuigen hier toe verzocht die na voorlezing dezer hebben geteekend met den comparant en mij notaris dezen 25-10-1835."

        "Before J. Bernard Van Peene, notary public resident in the municipality of Assenede, district of Ghent, province of East Flanders, in the presence of the witnesses named hereafter, has come Mister Jean Baptiste der Kinderen, cartwright, domiciled at Assenede, who declared that as per the conditions passed before me notary public on 17 March 1829, he took for rent from Mister Pieter Noé, gentleman from the municipality of Assenede, situated next to the property of  the same Noé, now belonging to Jan Josephus Borghgracht, carpenter also residing at Assenede for a period of 9 years except for the reciprocal capacity of both parties annually to terminate the lease agreement providing they give each other notice six months before the expiry date and in vue of the change of ownership of the said property, it is the wish of the aforementioned Mister Noë that the appearer Mister der Kinderen at the end of the month of May 1836 leave his aforementioned abode, Mister der Kinderen consequently committing himself to move and to leave the house empty and unoccupied to the current owner for him to dispose of it under penalty of being expelled from it by the bailiff who it behoves to request.
        "Signed, sealed and delivered at the municipality of Assenede in the presence of Misters Francies De Paepe and Leo De Paepe, both shoemakers residing in Assenede, witnesses requested for this and who have signed after reading of this act with the appearer and myself the notary public on this day 25-10-1835."

In October 1840 Petrus signs a lease for a good 8 hectares of land near the Fonteyne and Danckaertseke for 6 years starting on Christmas 1840 for 566 francs and 10 cents per year.  That's the equivalent of about € 300.00 per ha. today.  The owner, Mr. Van Pottelsberghe - de la Potterie from Ghent added a whole ream of conditions (some of them quite unusual for us).  Here are a few examples:
- The leaseholder must use the land as it behoves a good tenant, he must manure it regularly, plow it, sow it, clean it and weed it.
- He mustn't use the same piece of land 2 years in a row for buckwheat and in the last year of his lease he must not sow more than a third of the aforementioned land with buckwheat.
- If in the last year of his lease he intends to manure the aforementioned land or a part of it, before plowing it under he must first inform the owner or someone designated by the owner so that if the owner so wishes he can inspect it or have someone inspect it for him under penalty of not being compensated for this manuring.
- Under no circumstances and for no reason, excuse or pretension whatsoever can the leaseholder claim compensation from the owner for whatever damage to his crops foreseen or unforeseen.
- The owner doesn't have to give notice at the end of the lease and the leaseholder is held to leave the land under penalty of expulsion by a bailiff and at the expense of the leaseholder.
- None of the preceding conditions shall be considered threatening even though they will have to respected scrupulously.

The lease of this land was repeatedly renewed and the rent in 1863 was 650 francs.  That would be about 2500.00 euro now.  On 3 August 1840, shortly before this first lease contract Pieter Joannes had  been able to acquire a farm with a house, barn, stabling, cart-shed, vegetable garden and orchard at the Fonteyne, section D 385, 393, 394 and 395 for 2000 francs, or with all costs included 2260 francs and 87 cents.

Pieter-Jan belonged to the category of the better off farmers.  His property and real estate make that clear. So do the taxes he pays.  And the more taxes you pay the more votes you have for the senate, for your province and for your municipality.  In 1838 he paid 34 francs and 32 cents which made him one of the 156 voters of Assenede for his municipality.  For the provincial and Senate elections that amount was too low.

In 1851, when the Kingdom demanded 42 francs and 71 cents which made him eligible to vote for his municipality, his province and for the Senate.

Petrus Joannes died in Assenede on 5 March 1868.  In the Civil Register of Assenede his death was recorded as follows:

"Het jaar achttienhonderd acht en zestig, den zesden Maart, om tien ure voormiddag, voor ons Honoré Maenhout, burgemeester, ambtenaar van den burgerlijke stand van Assenede, arrondissement Gent, provincie Oostvlaanderen, zijn gekompareerd Eduard Noë, landbouwer oud 43 jaren, zoon der overledene en Hendrik De Smet, gemeentesecretaris oud 59 jaren, geen bloedverwant, beide wonende te Assenede, welke ons hebben verklaard, dat gister om negen ure 's Avonds ter zijner woonhuize wijk fonteine nr. 18 in deze gemeente is overleden: Pieter Noë landbouwer oud 82 jaren, geboren en wonende te Assenede, zoon van Francies en Petronilla Theresia Wauters, beide overleden te Assenede, en echtgenoot van Monica De Craene, landbouwster wonende te Assenede, en na voorlezing hebben de komparanten deze akte met ons geteekend."

"In the year Eighteen hundred eight and sixty, on the sixth day of March, at ten o'clock in the morning, came before us, Honoré Maenhout, mayor and official of the civil registry of Assenede, district of Ghent, province of East Flanders, Eduard Noë, farmer 43 years old, son of the deceased and Hendrik De Smet, town clerk 59 years old, not related to the deceased, both domiciled at Assenede, who have declared that yesterday at 9 hours in the evening in his house in the Fonteyne number 18 has died Pieter Noë, farmer 82 years old, born and domiciled in Assenede, son of Francies and Petronilla Theresia Wauters, both died in Assenede, and husband of Monica De Craene, farmer living in Assenede, and after having read this act the appearers have signed together with us."

Petrus Joannes and Monica had been married for more than 50 years.  She followed her husband into eternity on 2/11/1871.  Her death was registered in the town hall by her grandson Eduard and Désiré Pieter De Rudder, who was then the town clerk.

A few months after the death of their mother, on 28/2/1872, the unmarried children of Petrus and Monica declared "to associate themselves for the purchase of administering together their goods and real estate, and to practice together the trade of farming or any other..."

Here follow a couple of articles from their "conditions of their common society":
- all goods and real estate already in their possession, either by acquisition, donation or inheritance and their advantages become part of the community
- the common exploitation of the farm where they now live or which they may buy or lease in the future
- since each brought into the community a fourth part each shall share a fourth of the profits
- they can appoint a manager: the first manager was Charles Noë
- costs for illness and medicines are for the community
- this agreement is entered into for an unlimited period.

Unfortunately this community lasted only a very limited period: a mere seven months after its creation its manager Charles Noë had already died and a year after his death Coleta also died.  And so only Edward and Virginie were left to carry on the community.

Monica gave her husband 11 children.  Only 2 sons would marry and keep this branch of the family alive.

  1. Ivo Noë
    ° Assenede 22/7/1816
    † Assenede 19/3/1831
  2. Petrus Noë
    ° Assenede 4/5/1818
    In 1837, after examination, (1,78 m = about 5 ft 4) he was declared fit for military service on 21/3/1837 and waiting to see what number he would draw.  But his father was already looking for a replacement in case he drew a bad number.  And on 22/2/1837 father and son Petrus concluded an agreement with Eduardus Ysebaert, unemployed, who had drawn number 91 and was therefore exempt from military service.  The act drawn up by a notary public cost father Noë 11 francs and 9 cents. Theodoor Vermeersch, an employee from Ertvelde and cobbler Leo De Pape were witnesses. Ysebaert himself could not write.  Here is the last part of this act.
    Petrus drew unlucky number 37 and had to serve in the army.  As agreed, on 9 April Ysebaert was already paid 150 francs.  And from 2 May 1837 on he served in the second regiment "chasseurs te peerd" (on horseback) in the garrison of  Namur. And while there he received a message that Petrus Noë, for whom he served, had died in Assenede on 19/1/1838.  Nevertheless, by notarial act of 20/11/1838 he received the sum of 235 francs.
  3. Charles Noë
    ° Assenede 9/4/1820
    He was 1,705 m tall (approximately 5 ft 2).  He was from the military draft of 1839.  He drew number 48 and was exempted from military service for one year because Ysebaert was still serving for his brother Petrus who had already died. And after that year he was not called to arms.
    He farmed together with his unmarried brother and sisters on the parental farmstead in the Fonteine in Assenede where he died unmarried, only a year after his mother, on 4/10/1872.
  4. Coleta Noë
    ° Assenede 31/3/1822
    She never married and worked on the parental farm in the Fonteine, together with her brothers Charles and Eduard and her sister Virginie. She died on 10/10/1873.
  5. Eduard Noë
    ° Assenede 1/2/1825
    He was from the military draft of 1844 and for him too his father found a suitable replacement, Karolus Cools, in case young Eduard were to draw an unlucky number and be called to arms. Eduard who was only 1, 56 m tall (hardly 4 ft 8) drew number 27 and was permanently exempted from military service.  Two days later Mr Cools agreed to serve as substitute, on even better terms, for Dominicus Bernardus Claeys, son of  Jacobus Claeys, a farmer from Assenede.
  6. Francisca Noë
    ° Assenede 25/4/1827
    She entered the Ter Kaarden or ter Caerden Convent on 23/10/1854, received the habit on 22/10/1855 and took the vows on 17/8/1856. She took part in the move of the beguinage and arrived together with other nuns of Ter Kaarden in the Pius IX Convent where she died on 24/6/1890.  Sophia De Wever, the daughter of Joannes Franciscus and Joanna Noë came to Ter Kaarden on 2/6/1855.
  7. Sophia Noë
    ° Assenede 21/5/1829
    † Assenede 7/4/1830
  8. Ivo Francies (C VII a) Noë
    ° Assenede 24/3/1831
    x Zelzate 14/5/1866 Catharina Boone
    Wachtebeke 3/12/1866
  9. Leo Noë
    ° Assenede 23/10/1833
    † Assenede 8/4/1839
  10. Virginie Noë
    ° Assenede 24/3/1836
    † Assenede 21/1/1912
  11. August  (C VII b) Noë
    ° Assenede 14/8/1838
    x Kluizen 19/11/1870 Justine De Decker
    Bentille 8/9/1930

Many thanks to Mrs. Cecile Vanooteghem for information on Francisca Noë, Sophia De Wever and other nuns and beguines of our family.

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Adrianus (B IIIa)
Agnes Margarita
Amelie, fa Ferdinand
Antonius Franciscus (B Va2)
Arthur Aloysius (B VIIId1)
August (C VIIb)
August (C VIIIa)
August, fs Francies (B VIIb)
Bernardus Aloysius (B VIIIe)
Carolus Ludovicus
Dominicus (B VIIId2)
Edward (B VIIIa)
Emiel (C VIIIc)
Emiel Stefaan (B IXa)
Ferdinand (B VIc)
Ferdinand (B VIIc)
Francies (B VIIb)
Franciscus Marianus (A V)
Franciscus Antonius (B Va4)
Franciscus (C V)
Franciscus (D II)
Ivo Franciscus (C VIIa)
Georgius, fs Matthias (B IIb)
Hendrik (D I)
Henri (C VIIIb)
Henricus (D III)
Jacobus, fs Ferdinand (B VIc)
Jacobus Bernardus (B Vb)
Jan (A I)
Jan (A II)
Joannes (B IIIc)
Joannes (C II)
Joannes (C III)
Joannes Franciscus (A IV)
Joannes (B VIIe)
Josephina Benedicta
Judocus (B II)
Judocus (B IVb)
Jacobus (C IV)
Judocus (C V2)
Livinusfs Hendrik
Louisa Coleta
Martina Emiel (B IXa)
Martinus (B Va3)
Martinus, fs Adrianus
Matthias (B I)
Matthias (B IIb)
Petrus (A III)
Petrus (B IIIb)
Petrus (B IVa)
Petrus (B VIIa)
Petrus (B VIId)
Petrus (C I)
Petrus (D IV)
Petrus Emmanuel (B Va1)
Petrus Joannes (B VIa)
Petrus Joannes (C VI)
Petrus (B VIb)
Rosalie fa Petrus (B VIId)