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The NOE family from the Meetjesland in East-Flanders, Belgium

B III a     Adrianus Noë

fs Judocus and Anna Beelaert

° Lembeke 26/11/1685
x around 1711 Ludovica Roets
xx Lovendegem 26/8/1735 Petronella Verbanck
xxx Zomergem 3/5/1751 Anne Marie Denaegel
† Lovendegem 11/1/1758

Adrianus was born in 1685.  He was a contemporary of Johan Sebastian Bach (21/3/1685 - 28/7/1750).  What, we wonder, did he know of the great composer ?

After his wedding to Ludovica Roets, fa. Joannes Roets, around 1711 the couple went to live in Lovendegem in the Vellare quarter.

We already spoke about the terrible suffering inflicted on our ancestors by foreign troops passing through our regions.  The Bruges-Ghent Canal  ("Brugse Vaart") had been dug from 1623 to 1625.  Many considered it a strategic line of defense.  It passes through Lovendegem which is one of the reasons why this town wasn't spared like so many others. At the end of the 17th Century a little more than 80 hectares of fertile land (197 acres) was not used any more or totally neglected and a little less than that had been handed back to the parish because the tenants who had used this land couldn't pay their rent.

The War of the Spanish Succession was practically over when Adrianus came to Lovendegem.  After the Treaties of Utrecht (1713-14), the Southern part of the Netherlands came under the rule of Charles VI, the Austrian king.  This was not an unfavorable period for our regions.

Adriaen lived in the middle of what has been called the "Age of Enlightenment".  Benjamin Franklin, the great philosopher and statesman, tried to discover the secrets of electricity. In 1760 he invented the lightning rod.  Lavoisier discovered oxygen and gave his contemporaries an idea of its importance.  It was the time of the artistic style called Rococo characterized by fanciful curved spatial forms and what we now consider excessive ornamentation.

The nobility and bourgeosie began to speak French: they saw Flemish as the language of the underdeveloped.  But at the same time men such as Verlooy satirized especially the inhabitants of Brussels because they disapproved of the Flemish language of their forebears.

For country folk this Age of Enlightenment was a quieter and more prosperous period.

But Adrian probably didn't have a lot of time to enjoy all that: Ludovica gave him 9 children and died in Lovendegem on 13/2/1735.  She was only 48 and he remained behind with their eight children.  Her brother Joos Roets and her brother-in-law Livinus Engels were the guardians.  He was obliged by law to make the usual estate reckonings but their household effects didn't amount to much.  Adrian submitted a request to the mayor and town council of the baronetcy of Lovendegem to be discharged from this obligation and on 18 May 1735 this request was granted.  The house was Adrian's property but not the land on which it stood.  The value of the house and its contents were estimated at 3-15-0 pounds while the negative, including the funeral costs were 4-18-3 pounds.

Adriaen was also the owner of a small house in the Bredestraat ("brede" means wide).  And this was also a leasehold.  On 30 August 1735, shortly after marrying for the second time, he sold this house to Jan De Pauw for the sum of 14-10-0 pounds.

On 26 August 1735, six months after the death of his first wife, Adriaen remarried in Lovendegem.  His new bride was Petronella Verbanck. Adrianus' son-in-law Livinus Engels and Livina Van Vooren were the witnesses.  Petronella was born in Lovendegem on 27/4/1675, the daughter of Martinus Verbanck and Petronella Goossens.  She was the widow of Zeger Netesonne.  She died in Lovendegem on 2 January 1751.

And aged 66 Adriaen married a third time, in Zomergem on 3/5/1751.  This time his bride was the 28 year old Anna Maria Denaegel (or Den Haegel).  She was the daughter of Petrus Denaegel and Jacoba Van Lovendegem. She was born in Vinkt on 22/11/1722.

His youngest son was already 21 years old when Adriaen once again became a father.  Anna Maria then gave him two more children.  But a fortnight after the birth of his twelfth child (her third), Adriaen died in Lovendegem on 11 January 1758.  He was 71 years old.

Life has been far from easy for Adrianus.  He began his adult career as a small farmer at a time when things were very difficult for farmers.  Not for no reason was so much land neglected and abandonned while social security provisions were a long way in the future.  These farmers tried to make ends meet by adding spinning and weaving to their work load.  This way the wife and children could also help and add a few extra pennies.  Little by little these moonlighting jobs became the main source of income for their descendents until the factories took over.  And that then once again meant poverty for those who failed to find other work in time.

In 1759 Anna Maria remarried.  Her new husband was Martinus Standaert.  He eventually died in Lovendegen on 19/2/1781 and Anna Maria herself died in the same town the day after her 61st birthday on 23 November 1783. 

Adrianus had 9 children from his first marriage.  Eight of these were still alive when he died:

  1. Joanna Noë
    ° around 1711
    We didn't find her exact birthday.  Indeed, neither did we find the exact date or place of the wedding of her parents. Perhaps she was born where her parents got married before they came to live at Lovendegem.
    She was married in Sleidinge on 26/71733 to Livinus Engels.  He was the guardian of his under age brothers and sisters-in-law when their mother died.
  2. Livina Noë
    ° Lovendegem 9/1/1712
    She got married in her native village to Martinus Grijp, son of Petrus Grijp and Marie Martens.  He was born in the same town on 8/11/1714.  Livina died there on 6/8/1754.  Martinus remarried to Martina De Vlieghere and died in Lovendegem on 2/4/1768.
  3. Judoca Noë
    ° Lovendegem 15/10/1715
    On 3/4/1742 she married Carolus De Sutter.  He was born in Lovendegem on 3/9/1683 and was therefore 32 years older than his bride.  He was the son of Laurentius De Sutter and Judoca Millewe.  He died in his native town on 17/6/1744.  On 24 September 1745 Judoca married in Lovendegem with Joannes Steyaert.  This marriage cannot have lasted very long because, although we don't know when Joannes died, we do know Judoca married a third time on 30 June 1746.  Her third husband was Georgius Coppens.  The couple moved to Zomergem where they would both die in 1753, she on 25 September and he a mere week later on 3 October.
  4. Petrus Noë
    ° Lovendegem 21/1/1718
    x Zomergem 6/9/1740 Joanna Stauthamer
    xx St. Laureins 30/6/1744 Marie Theresia De Bue
    xxx Eeklo 30/4/1787 Petronella Van De Weghe
  5. Joannes Noë
    ° Lovendegem 22/3/1721
    Up to now we have found nothing more about him.
  6. Maria Catharina Noë
    ° Lovendegem 14/7/1723
    Was married to Livinus Van Wieberghe in St. Laureins on 10/7/1745 and died there the day after her 42nd birthday.
  7. Martina Noë
    ° Lovendegem 14/7/1723
    The twin sister of Maria Catharina died in Lovendegem on 19/7/1724.
  8. Martinus Noë
    ° Lovendegem 8/7/1726
    x Kaprijke, Georgia Van de Veire
    xx St.Jan-Bentille 27/4/1756 Elisabeth De Muynck
  9. Joannes Franciscus Noë
    ° Lovendegem 22/1/1731
    Kaprijke 24/2/1766
    The parish priest wrote Nohe in the baptismal register.  Joannes Claeys and Maria De Neve were his godfather and godmother.
    Following the example of his brother Martinus he found his bride in Kaprijke where he married on 2 May 1756 with Maria Cornelia De Keyzer who was as young as he.  They lived on the border of Kaprijke and St Jan and their children were baptized now in one then in the other parish.
    They had 3 children:
    • Anna Maria Noë
      baptized in St-Jan-in-Eremo on 20/3/1757
      She married the 22 year old Josephus Verweire in Kaprijke.  But he died there a mere 9 years later on 31/10/1794.
      She married a second time again in Kaprijke with Carolus De Kesele who was born there on 15/12/1758.  And eleven years later he died there on 21/2/1811.  Anna Maria died in the Grote Zuidstraat (Great South Street) in Kaprijke on 18/6/1839.  She was 82.
    • Joannes Baptiste Noë
      baptized in Kaprijke on 22/6/1759
      St-Jan-in-Eremo 31/5/1762.
    • Isabella Noë
      baptized in St-Jan-in-Eremo on 6-3-1762
      † Kaprijke 5/5/1765

    From his third marriage to Anna Maria Denaegel 3 children were born:

    1. Judocus Noë
      ° Lovendegem 3/10/1752
      † Lovendegem 18/12/1773 (not married)
    2. Maria Anna Noë
      ° Lovendegem 28/6/1755
      She got married in Lovendegem to Livinus Franciscus Bauwens on 29/5/1777 and a second time again in Lovendegem to Josephus Sloc on 17/8/1791.  He was from Brussels, the son of Carolus Josephus Sloc and Anna Catharina Bral. Unlike his bride he was able to write his name.  He died aged 58 in the Loo quarter of Lovendegem on St-Sylvester (the last day of the year) at 21 hr in 1803. She passed away 4 months later on 30-4-1804, also in the Loo quarter.
    3. Anna Catharina Noë
      ° Lovendegem 31/12/1757
      † Lovendegem 31/1/1758.

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Adrianus (B IIIa)
Agnes Margarita
Amelie, fa Ferdinand
Antonius Franciscus (B Va2)
Arthur Aloysius (B VIIId1)
August (C VIIb)
August (C VIIIa)
August, fs Francies (B VIIb)
Bernardus Aloysius (B VIIIe)
Carolus Ludovicus
Dominicus (B VIIId2)
Edward (B VIIIa)
Emiel (C VIIIc)
Emiel Stefaan (B IXa)
Ferdinand (B VIc)
Ferdinand (B VIIc)
Francies (B VIIb)
Franciscus Marianus (A V)
Franciscus Antonius (B Va4)
Franciscus (C V)
Franciscus (D II)
Ivo Franciscus (C VIIa)
Georgius, fs Matthias (B IIb)
Hendrik (D I)
Henri (C VIIIb)
Henricus (D III)
Jacobus, fs Ferdinand (B VIc)
Jacobus Bernardus (B Vb)
Jan (A I)
Jan (A II)
Joannes (B IIIc)
Joannes (C II)
Joannes (C III)
Joannes Franciscus (A IV)
Joannes (B VIIe)
Josephina Benedicta
Judocus (B II)
Judocus (B IVb)
Jacobus (C IV)
Judocus (C V2)
Livinusfs Hendrik
Louisa Coleta
Martina Emiel (B IXa)
Martinus (B Va3)
Martinus, fs Adrianus
Matthias (B I)
Matthias (B IIb)
Petrus (A III)
Petrus (B IIIb)
Petrus (B IVa)
Petrus (B VIIa)
Petrus (B VIId)
Petrus (C I)
Petrus (D IV)
Petrus Emmanuel (B Va1)
Petrus Joannes (B VIa)
Petrus Joannes (C VI)
Petrus (B VIb)
Rosalie fa Petrus (B VIId)