Deze blz in het NL

The NOE family from the Meetjesland in East-Flanders, Belgium

C VIII a     August Noë

fs Ivo Franciscus Noë  and Catharina Boone         brother of Henri

° Zelzate 26/10/1874
x Josephine Wuytack
xx Eede 22/10/1912 Louisa Maria Blondeel
† St. Kruis 28/6/1928

When he was 30 he married the sister of Marie Wuytack, his sister-in-law, Josephine Wuytack, who was born in Kallo on 16/2/1880.
They took over a farm in Eede in Zealand-Flanders in the Netherlands, just north of Maldegem and east of Middelburg, both in our Meetjesland.

Josephine gave her husband four sons but she died in Eede on 4/5/1912 at the very young age of  32.

August then married Louisa Maria Blondeel, who was born in Eede on 21/4/1875.  And in 1920 they moved to a farm in St. Kruis (Aardenburg) just across the Belgian-Dutch border in Zealand. (Sint-Kruis means Holy Cross and the name Aardenburg is made up of two parts: "aarde" means earth and "burg" means stronghold, fortress.)

Eight years later August fell from a wagon and as a consequence of this accident he died in St. Kruis on 28/6/1928.  Louisa Maria carried on with the farm until it was taken over by her son Odilon when he got married.

  1. Omer August Eugéne Marie Noë
    ° Eede 14-6-1904
    Married in Oostburg with Margriet Stefanie Vermue.
    They farmed in Waterlandkerkje (Zeeland) and retired to Oostburg where Omer died unexpectedly on 26 December 1987.
    Margriet passed away on 17-9-2009 also in Oostburg.
    She gave life to 5 children and they have 13 grandchildren.
    We have the names of the following children:
    • Christiane Noë
      ° 1942
      † 30-12-2015
    • Irene Marie Jeanne Noë
      ° Waterland-Kerkje 11-4-1946
      † Groede 29-4-2015
  2. Odilon Auguste Marie Noë
    ° Eede 30-7-1906
    Married in Oostburg with Maria Louise Buysse who was born there on 10-02-1908, the daughter of Camile Eduard Buysse and Clementina Celestina Haverbeke.
    They farmed in Eede, in Zeeland just across the border from St. Laureins.
    Odilon died in Aardenburg on 22-12-1989 and Maria died in Oostburg on 22-9-1996.
    They have 4 children and 7 grandchildren.
  3. Hilaire Edmond Joseph Marie Alice Noë
    ° Eede 2-3-1908
    Married in Yzendijke with Margaretha Celestina Haverbeke, daughter of Eduard Leonardus Haverbeke and Maria Francisca Calon.
    Hilaire and Margaretha took over the family farm in St. Kruis.
    Margaretha died in Aardenburg on 23-12-1987 and Hilaire in Oostburg on 21 Janaury 1991.  He was buried in Aardenburg..
    They have 2 children who both also have 2 children.
  4. Achiel Noë
    ° Eede 7-6-1909
    He married in St. Laureins with Maria Agata Alphonsina Dossche, the daughter of Theofiel Ghisleen Dossche (Yzendijke 15/8/1870 - Waterland-Oudeman 13/11/1935) and Helena Maria Hoste (St.-Laureins 26/11/1882 - Waterland-Oudeman 2/4/1957).
    Maria was born in Waterland-Oudeman on 3 August 1913.  She was the widow of Juliën De Keyzer by whom she had two daughters.  She died suddenly in St.-Laureins on 30 September 1992.
    Achiel had already passed away more than 20 years before her: he died in Eeklo on 30 November 1968.
    Achiel has one son who is married and they have 4 children.
  5. Aline Noë
    ° Eede 1-2-1914
    Married in Aardenburg with Johannes Hubertus Vermue.  He was born on 22-4-1912.
    They farmed in Retranchement.
    Aline died in Oostburg on 21-11-1986 and he passed away on 8-4-1992.
    They have 1 son and 2 daughters and 8 grandchildren.

Many thanks to Mrs. Marie-Christine Vandevelde who found more information on this branch of the family on the Zeeuwen Gezocht website (Zeeuwen = inhabitants of Zeeland, gezocht = wanted.) and on Graftombe.NL, the Dutch equivalent of the Find a Grave website.

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Adrianus (B IIIa)
Agnes Margarita
Amelie, fa Ferdinand
Antonius Franciscus (B Va2)
Arthur Aloysius (B VIIId1)
August (C VIIb)
August (C VIIIa)
August, fs Francies (B VIIb)
Bernardus Aloysius (B VIIIe)
Carolus Ludovicus
Dominicus (B VIIId2)
Edward (B VIIIa)
Emiel (C VIIIc)
Emiel Stefaan (B IXa)
Ferdinand (B VIc)
Ferdinand (B VIIc)
Francies (B VIIb)
Franciscus Marianus (A V)
Franciscus Antonius (B Va4)
Franciscus (C V)
Franciscus (D II)
Ivo Franciscus (C VIIa)
Georgius, fs Matthias (B IIb)
Hendrik (D I)
Henri (C VIIIb)
Henricus (D III)
Jacobus, fs Ferdinand (B VIc)
Jacobus Bernardus (B Vb)
Jan (A I)
Jan (A II)
Joannes (B IIIc)
Joannes (C II)
Joannes (C III)
Joannes Franciscus (A IV)
Joannes (B VIIe)
Josephina Benedicta
Judocus (B II)
Judocus (B IVb)
Jacobus (C IV)
Judocus (C V2)
Livinusfs Hendrik
Louisa Coleta
Martina Emiel (B IXa)
Martinus (B Va3)
Martinus, fs Adrianus
Matthias (B I)
Matthias (B IIb)
Petrus (A III)
Petrus (B IIIb)
Petrus (B IVa)
Petrus (B VIIa)
Petrus (B VIId)
Petrus (C I)
Petrus (D IV)
Petrus Emmanuel (B Va1)
Petrus Joannes (B VIa)
Petrus Joannes (C VI)
Petrus (B VIb)
Rosalie fa Petrus (B VIId)