son of Hendrik
° Assenede 24/5/1620
x Assenede 6/5/1656 Petronella De Pau
† ?
Henricus Noë was a tenant farmer. He married Petronella De Pau in Assenede on 6 May 1656. We have not been able to find her date of birth.
A few years later a new register for all the land in Assenede was made up to replace the 1615 register. This was a sort of precursor of the current land registry office. Assenede in this new register was divided in Wautersambacht, St. Janspolder, the Nieuwe, etc. Each part was subdivided into sections of different sizes and there was a description of each section and of the farms and the fields in it with their size, the way their borders were marked but also the owner and the tenant.
In this register we find Hendrick Noë as tenant and as owner of several fields in the 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th Section, all in the Muikem quarter. The fourth section was described as follows:
"beginning at the street near the mills, turning back westwards along the ditch, until the road from meuckem to Oosteecloo and along same towards the east up to the meuckemstraete and from there towards the south up to the street near the mills where we started out"
(Click here for all the old-Dutch citations translated on this page.)
Heyndrick Noë was the tenant of the first three parcels in this section and Jaspaert de Keysere was their owner; in 1676 the owner was Vincent Vandenberghe.
"parcel south of mill street, west of the ditch, east it self, north de following, size 263 rods"
"to the north of a parcel west of the ditch, south the orphans of Matthijs van Tuyttelberghe, east the following, size 360 rods"
"east to the bijlstuk south of the mollestraat (mole street), east of the meuckem street, north the following size 1 ha. 213 rods"
In the fifth Section "starting at the corner at Muyckem at the farm of Vincent de paepe, where now lives Gillis van hecke west after the separation of Assenede and the Bouchoute corporation as far as the new fortress mill, ande from there along the ditch to the watercourse where the border separates Assenede from Bassevelde" there at the very start is situated a farm "north the street, south the ditch..." of 4 hectares and 536 rods divided into 7 parcels, 5 of which, with a total size of 3 hectare and 189 rods, are rented by Hendrik.
The borders of the 7th Section "starting on the eastern side of the farm of mister Adr. van hulthem and co. formerly Jan Van Ideghem, where now lives Pieter Grootaert, also stretching past the land of the heiress widow loijs verlinden after a ditch, besides the parcels of the Duke van Wakken up to the land of the heirs of Joe Franchoyse vander beke, formerly Adr. vander beken, on the street, and from there along the street of muickhem until the cruystr. (Cross Street) of nieuwburch and also coming back eastward up to the aforementioned farm of mister Adr van hulthem, where we started."
Here Hendrik was the owner of 242 rods which he used himself and he also rented 2 hectares and 184 rods owned by Adriaen Verleest, and 3 hectares and 391 rods owned by the convent of St Baafs in Ghent.
Finally Hendrik also used land in the 8th Section "beginning in front of the farm of the late Mr. Guill. Ranschaert now occupied by Jan Buysse fs. Cornelis formerly mollens, along the street forward to Muyckhem and from there eastwards until we pass the farm of Pieter De Pau coming back along the street past the house of Jan van de velde fs. Pieters and the farm of the heirs of Jan de Broucke and from there up to the corner of the farm of Mr. Guill. Ranschaert where we started."
A 1615 description of the size of the 8th Section of Assenede. Click here (or on the image itself) to view a larger reproduction of this historic document. |
Here Hendrik owned 214 rods and rented 586 rods from the "hospitael" of Assenede, 350 rods from Symoen van Deynze and 220 rods belonging to the church of Assenede. It is remarkable that in the 1615 description of the 8th Section the farm of Pieter De Pau was described as "... the farm where now lives Wauter Noel,...".
Was this Wauter Noel perhaps the grandfather of Hendrik? Nowhere else did we come across the family name Noel in Assenede or Zelzate. But in the 17th Century we found an exclusive mention of it in Maldegem and there too they meant the Noe family ! Unfortunately in the 1615 land registry book very few tenants are mentioned and Wauter Noel is nowhere else to be found in it.
Hendrik had a sister who has been married twice: first with Joannes Van Everen and then with Jan Van Vooren. Joanna died before 1667 and Hendrik together with Adriaen De Baets was guardian of the orphans from her second marriage.
They were forced to sell the house with 450 rods of land in order to pay the debts of the deceased "... in the nicasiuspolder, bordering to the east, south and west on the gully of the same polder, and to the north the dike."
Their request to the mayor and the town councillors (who after all were the upper guardians and therefore ultimately responsible) to be allowed to sell the house was granted. At the public sale, early in 1667, Adriaen De Baets, one of the guardians, bid 20 pounds and nobody outbid him. And that's how easy it was in those days.
Hendrik Noë was also the man in whom Miss Anna van de Voorde, the daughter of Petrus had every confidence. In 1688 she had bought from Lauwerijne Quaetdyck a piece of land of about 1.5 ha. (950 rods) at Muyckem called the "hullegen". But in view of the fact that it was mortgaged since 1620 in favour of Adriaen Jacques Elias, she wanted to sell it to this Adriaen: "to do whatever is necessary for this sale, she by this authorised heydrick noe..."
In 1701 he borrowed 16 pounds from Jacques Van Hecke, the receiver of the
church of Oosteeklo at the rate of 1
pound per month. For this mortgaged the following:
- a piece of land of approximately 1.5 ha. in
Assenede, Muykem quarter "east of
the dolstraete running from Ertvelde
to Nieuwburch, to the west the ditch, south the heirs of Matthijs van
- farm situated on public land and a piece of land of 200 rods next to it,
south of the dolstraete
- a piece of land of 200 rods, called the "cleenen vuytganck".
More than once we find a connection with the other branches of the Noë family. For instance in 1676 he was the guardian to take care of things after the death of Matthias Noë (B I) in Eeklo. In 1684 he was the godfather of Petronella, the daughter of Jan Noë (A II). And finally in 1706 his unmarried son, Joannes was the guardian of his orphaned nephew also called Joannes (C II), the son of Petrus Noë (C I).
And from this one might conclude that this Hendrik Noë, although last married (and because of that last discussed in this work) might yet have been the oldest. He carried on farming at Muykem, no doubt on the parental farm.
Petronella De Pau passed away in Assenede on 5/3/1694, 75 years old. Hendrik, in the mean time in his seventies, married a second time in Ertvelde on 14-9-1697. His new bride was the 56 year old Adriana Verhoochstraete. Hendrik died in Assenede on 27/3/1705 and his second wife in Ertvelde on 8/9/1719.
The children of Hendrik and Petronella:
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