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The NOE family from the Meetjesland in East-Flanders, Belgium

B VIII d1     Arthur Aloysius Noë

fs. Petrus (B VII d) and Melanie Martens       brother of  Dominicus

° Boekhoute 30/5/1884
x Assenede 19/10/1907 Emerentia Maria Obrie
Eeklo 27/11/1965

Like several others in his branch of the family he became a railwayman.  Later he also had a few acres of land and some live-stock.  He also worked as a trimmer and logger.

Arthur and Emerentia had 4 children:

  1. Edmond Joseph Noë
    ° Assenede 7-2-1908
    † Assenede 7-2-1908
  2. Richard Noë
    ° Assenede 23-3-1909
    † Assenede 23-3-1909
  3. Leonard Noë
    ° Boekhoute 28-11-1910
    He was married in Watervliet on 28-5-1938 to Germaine Elisabeth Thysebaert who was born there on 17-10-1918.  Her parents, Jacobus and Emilie Gilson, were peddlers and fishmongers.  They lived in the Maagd van Gent, literally translated "the Virgin of Ghent, which is a hamlet of Watervliet.
    They moved to Assenede but a few months later Germaine gave birth at her parents place.  Nine days later the baby died.  When their second child was born in the beginning of 1940 they were once again registered in Watervliet.
    Leonard was at the time "... temporarily in the field with the Belgian Army..."  War was about to break out.
    After that they went to live in the house of his parents in Boekhoute.
    Leonard was very much a military man.  He volunteered for the war.  After WW II he helped to clear the minefields  on the Belgian coast, first serving in the U.S. Army, later with the Belgian Army.
    Later he helped his father pruning and felling trees, then he went to work in a sawmill and after that he worked on construction jobs for the government.
    In 1967 he was the victim of a cerebral haemorrhage.  He died suddenly in Boekhoute on 11-7-1984.  His wife was first a farm labourer.  Later she ran a restaurant in Zelzate.
    Their children:
    • Arthur Aloysius Noë
      ° Watervliet 5-10-1938
      Watervliet 14-10-1938
    • Fernanda Maria Noë
      ° Watervliet 19-1-1940
      She was married in Boekhoute to Daniël Moens who was gendarme.
      They have 2 sons:
      a) Jean Paul Moens,
      b) Jean Pierre Moens.
  4. Richard Fernand Noë
    ° Boekhoute 30-7-1931
    He was the godson of his brother Leonard who was 20 years his senior.  Richard went to secondary school at the St Laurens Institute of the Brothers in Zelzate.  He was first a tax inspector and then a self employed accountant and insurance broker.
    He got married in Boekhoute to Simonne Prudence Van Heesvelde.  She was born in Boekhoute on 5 October 1931, the daughter of René Jozef Van Heesvelde and Margaretha De Craene who were farmers.  Simonne passed away in Home St-Bernardus in Bassevelde on 5 September 2023.
    Richard was a member of the town council from 1964 till 1970 and as such he was also a member of what was then called the "Commissie van Openbare Onderstand", a government program to help the poor.
    They have three sons:
    • Frank Arthur Noë
      ° Assenede 21 November 1959.
      Medical doctor.  General practitioner in St-Laureins.
    • Jan Noé
      ° Assenede 10 January 1961.
      x Mariakerke 19 juli 1986 Marie-Andrée "Mimi" Verschueren
      He was a certified accountant and fiscal expert. † Boekhoute 7/9/2012
      They have a daughter and a son.
    • Bart Noé
      ° 28 december 1962
      x Isabelle Van Coppenolle

Many thanks to Mr. Jackie Claeys for his great contributions to this page.

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Adrianus (B IIIa)
Agnes Margarita
Amelie, fa Ferdinand
Antonius Franciscus (B Va2)
Arthur Aloysius (B VIIId1)
August (C VIIb)
August (C VIIIa)
August, fs Francies (B VIIb)
Bernardus Aloysius (B VIIIe)
Carolus Ludovicus
Dominicus (B VIIId2)
Edward (B VIIIa)
Emiel (C VIIIc)
Emiel Stefaan (B IXa)
Ferdinand (B VIc)
Ferdinand (B VIIc)
Francies (B VIIb)
Franciscus Marianus (A V)
Franciscus Antonius (B Va4)
Franciscus (C V)
Franciscus (D II)
Ivo Franciscus (C VIIa)
Georgius, fs Matthias (B IIb)
Hendrik (D I)
Henri (C VIIIb)
Henricus (D III)
Jacobus, fs Ferdinand (B VIc)
Jacobus Bernardus (B Vb)
Jan (A I)
Jan (A II)
Joannes (B IIIc)
Joannes (C II)
Joannes (C III)
Joannes Franciscus (A IV)
Joannes (B VIIe)
Josephina Benedicta
Judocus (B II)
Judocus (B IVb)
Jacobus (C IV)
Judocus (C V2)
Livinusfs Hendrik
Louisa Coleta
Martina Emiel (B IXa)
Martinus (B Va3)
Martinus, fs Adrianus
Matthias (B I)
Matthias (B IIb)
Petrus (A III)
Petrus (B IIIb)
Petrus (B IVa)
Petrus (B VIIa)
Petrus (B VIId)
Petrus (C I)
Petrus (D IV)
Petrus Emmanuel (B Va1)
Petrus Joannes (B VIa)
Petrus Joannes (C VI)
Petrus (B VIb)
Rosalie fa Petrus (B VIId)