Deze blz in het NL

The NOE family from the Meetjesland in East-Flanders, Belgium

Emiel NOE's Strafverfügung

According to the document below, in 1916 Emiel Noë was ordered to pay a fine of 3 Marks to the German Occupation Forces for his failure to supply the required quantity of butter.

Here is a much larger copy of this document.

Many thanks to Mr. Alex De Reu for this document.

On the same day at least 26 other farmers from St. Margriete were also sentenced for not delivering enough butter.  And now follows a list of the names of the other condemned with after each name the amount of their fine in Deutsche Marks:

Baeyens  2 Bonte, Leonard 8
Braet, Louis  4 Cools, Leonard 1
De Baets Petrus 3 Debbaut Camiel 2
De Clercq, Leopold 2 De Jaeger, We. 3
De Muyck Karel 3 De Smet Eduard 2
De Wilde Eduard  1 Dolieslaegers  1
Focke Emiel 1 Haers, Eduard 2
Maenhout, Henri 1 Maes Petrus 1
Naert, Petrus 2 Neels, Eduard 1
Rammelaere, Karel 2 Ch. Schoutteet 4
Streperaere, André 2 Van De Keere, Aloïs  15
Van Haelemeesch 2   Van De Moere, Petrus 2
Van Hijfte Petrus 2 We. Van Vooren 2

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Most recent update :  21-04-2021
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Adrianus (B IIIa)
Agnes Margarita
Amelie, fa Ferdinand
Antonius Franciscus (B Va2)
Arthur Aloysius (B VIIId1)
August (C VIIb)
August (C VIIIa)
August, fs Francies (B VIIb)
Bernardus Aloysius (B VIIIe)
Carolus Ludovicus
Dominicus (B VIIId2)
Edward (B VIIIa)
Emiel (C VIIIc)
Emiel Stefaan (B IXa)
Ferdinand (B VIc)
Ferdinand (B VIIc)
Francies (B VIIb)
Franciscus Marianus (A V)
Franciscus Antonius (B Va4)
Franciscus (C V)
Franciscus (D II)
Ivo Franciscus (C VIIa)
Georgius, fs Matthias (B IIb)
Hendrik (D I)
Henri (C VIIIb)
Henricus (D III)
Jacobus, fs Ferdinand (B VIc)
Jacobus Bernardus (B Vb)
Jan (A I)
Jan (A II)
Joannes (B IIIc)
Joannes (C II)
Joannes (C III)
Joannes Franciscus (A IV)
Joannes (B VIIe)
Josephina Benedicta
Judocus (B II)
Judocus (B IVb)
Jacobus (C IV)
Judocus (C V2)
Livinusfs Hendrik
Louisa Coleta
Martina Emiel (B IXa)
Martinus (B Va3)
Martinus, fs Adrianus
Matthias (B I)
Matthias (B IIb)
Petrus (A III)
Petrus (B IIIb)
Petrus (B IVa)
Petrus (B VIIa)
Petrus (B VIId)
Petrus (C I)
Petrus (D IV)
Petrus Emmanuel (B Va1)
Petrus Joannes (B VIa)
Petrus Joannes (C VI)
Petrus (B VIb)
Rosalie fa Petrus (B VIId)